Saturday, 30 September 2017
Twitter Is Making A Change That Could Cause World War III
Twitter has increased the character limit! Hannah and Xavier Brinkman break it down. Give us your thoughts on this new change in the comments below! Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with John Iadarola and Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: JOHN: HANNAH: ON INSTAGRAM: JOHN: HANNAH: ON YOUTUBE: HANNAH: ON TWITCH:
Russian 'Cannibal' Couple Suspected Of Eating 30 People
A couple in Russia allegedly have been killing and eating people. Hannah and Xavier Brinkman talk about it. Give us your thoughts in the comments below. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with John Iadarola and Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: JOHN: HANNAH: ON INSTAGRAM: JOHN: HANNAH: ON YOUTUBE: HANNAH: ON TWITCH:
This Psychological Trick Will Make You Love Paying Your Taxes
Half the pain of paying taxes is having no control over where it goes. This Harvard professor has a great idea to give people more of a voice... and it involves just a very slight change in something as boring as a parking ticket. Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Michael Norton: When we started studying people paying their taxes we were kind of looking for a real pain point that people have. If you think about what’s the worst day of the year for you, often the worst day of the year is when you have to write that extra check to the IRS. And of course partly we hate it just because we have to give money away that we wish we could keep, but we thought there might be some other underlying psychology going on for why we hate paying taxes so much. And if you think about it when you send that check off you kind of have no idea what happens with it. I mean you know it’s going to your state or federal government, but you don’t really know what it’s being used for. You look outside and you see roads and there’s some link between those in some way or another but you don’t really know exactly what’s happening. And that decoupling between what you’re sending in and what the output is is actually pretty aversive for us, we kind of like to know when we do something what’s going to happen as a result. And so what we try to do in our research is recouple those two things closer together. So imagine, for example, when you pay your taxes you write in the amount and then you can allocate where you want things to go. You could actually say I want more of my taxes to go to schools versus roads versus the military or the reverse if you wanted to support the military more. And the idea there was sure we still wouldn’t like paying taxes that much because we wish we could spend our money on ourselves, but recoupling the cost and the benefits might actually help us hate it a little bit less. We’ve talked to a lot of governments, local governments, state governments, federal governments in the U.S. and around the world about implementing this idea of recoupling tax payments with the benefits that citizens get. Politically it’s quite difficult, so you can imagine that if you talk about letting citizens allocate all of their money wherever they want you might not get funding for really basic things like infrastructure that aren’t really that exciting for people to think about. So politically there’s a real risk to kind of opening up democracy where instead of taxes going into a pool where elected officials decide what needs to be done, each individual citizen has a voice. One way we’ve tried to deal with that is to think about maybe you don’t need to allocate 100 percent of your taxes wherever you want, but what if I said at the end of the year you know what, you’re going to get to allocate ten percent wherever you want. So most of your taxes are still going to be the old way where they go into a general pool and then the people we’ve elected who we in theory trust will decide where the money goes, but we still as citizens get to say a little bit more about what we want to do. And some cities in the United States have started doing this through something called participatory budgeting. And the idea there is that a city can take some tax money, it could be a small amount, it could be a large amount, the city of Cambridge where I live has done this, and let citizens vote for where that money should go. So they’re not getting access to all of the tax revenue for the entire city, but the city is saying we want to set aside some money where citizens can actually tell us where it should go and we will follow through and make sure the money goes there. And again, that helps citizens see that, it’s called participatory budgeting, they’re actually participating and getting to make specific decisions about what happens with their taxes.
Friday, 29 September 2017
According To The FBI, This Threat Is Bigger Than ISIS
There is a terrorist threat that is bigger than ISIS. Hannah and Xavier Brinkman show you which group is more dangerous than ISIS. Let us know what you think we should do to fight terrorism. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with John Iadarola and Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: JOHN: HANNAH: ON INSTAGRAM: JOHN: HANNAH: ON YOUTUBE: HANNAH: ON TWITCH:
Seasteading 101: How to Build the World’s First Society-at-Sea
Seasteading began as a thought experiment: imagine a sovereign Libertarian utopia in international waters, far from the reach of any government. Over the last decade, this dream has inched closer and closer to reality. But establishing a completely independent floating city in the ocean isn't simple--or cheap. The Seasteading Institute compromised a little on its independence and instead sought a partnership with an established nation that could support their project while having a very light hand on regulations. The idea grew out of and caused a stir in Silicon Valley, was widely reported in the media, and Marc Collins, a former government minister in French Polynesia, saw an opportunity for symbiosis. The Seasteading Institute needs internet connectivity, energy solutions, food, and government permission to establish themselves in the South Pacific Ocean, while Polynesians are very interested in the technology needed to build floating cities—a concern at the front of their minds as sea levels rise—and in economic growth. And so Collins co-founded Blue Frontiers, a world-first company that builds societies on the sea. But who will live on the this brand-new floating nation in the South Pacific—and how? Marc Collins explains the feats of engineering that are making this vision a reality. Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Transcript: A question I get quite often is, “What is Seasteading?” And Seasteading started out I guess in 2008. It’s a movement. It started out as a non-profit so it’s called the Seasteading Institute, based in California. But I think—just a couple of months ago—Seasteading is actually a word that’s recognized by the Oxford dictionary, and what it means is living on platforms on the open oceans and with new forms of society. So the way I got involved in Seasteading is I was a government minister in French Polynesia; so a lot of people know my country by the name of Tahiti. And when I left the government I was looking at interesting opportunities for what we could do, especially in terms of sea level rise mitigations. That’s an issue that’s quite front of mind for a lot of Pacific islanders, especially now. And I had come across this institute and read about them, they were very—there was a lot of media focus on them back in 2008, 2010, 2012. So basically I reached out to the institute and said my understanding was that they had built a huge network of specialists of aquapreneurs, of scientists, researchers, investors. But what the movement was missing was the support, strong support, of a government that was willing to have a light hand on regulation and allow such an ambitious project as the world’s first sustainable, self-sustaining, floating island. So French Polynesia had the advantage when I reached out to Seasteading. They have several things that the institute was interested in. And one of the first questions they asked was about connectivity. So, you know, is your country connected to the internet backbone? Connectivity is obviously crucial for big data that is going to be generated by the researchers, the scientists, so the first thing was: 'Do you have a submarine cable?' So we checked that one off. In 2010, French Polynesia connected to Hawaii, so we’re right on the internet backbone. Huge unused capacity, 99 percent unused, so obviously available for research. And the second major concern was about hurricanes, cyclones and tsunamis. So basically, 'All right, we’re going to be doing this pilot project floating island. Obviously the weather and the situation in your country is important to us.' So we did some research. I already knew, being from French Polynesia, that this was a very rare occurrence. I think we’ve had two hurricanes in the last hundred years that had significant damage. There was property damage, a very light loss of life, and tsunamis are not really an issue for us. We’re in the middle of the South Pacific and so we get at least an eight-hour window before any tsunami were to hit us. But just given the geomorphology of the islands we don’t get these high waves that you get when you have a continental shelf off your city.
This "Strange" Move By Trump Could Get Him In Big Trouble
Trump really likes Twitter. Hannah and Xavier Brinkman tell you how that love of Twitter could get him in trouble. Let us know if you think this will get Trump in trouble. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with John Iadarola and Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: JOHN: HANNAH: ON INSTAGRAM: JOHN: HANNAH: ON YOUTUBE: HANNAH: ON TWITCH:
What You Need To Know About What's Happening In Puerto Rico
The crisis in Puerto Rico is often overlooked by the mainstream press. Hannah and Xavier Brinkman tell you what you need to know about what's happening in Puerto Rico. Let us know what you think of the crisis in Puerto Rico. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with John Iadarola and Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: JOHN: HANNAH: ON INSTAGRAM: JOHN: HANNAH: ON YOUTUBE: HANNAH: ON TWITCH:
3 Things HARDER To Achieve Than Making A Million Dollars
FREE COURSE To Start Your Online Business: In this video I share with you 3 things HARDER to achieve than making a million dollars. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to downplay how hard it is to actually make a million dollars. However, when I look back on my life, and what I’ve had to overcome in order to get to where I am today, there were 3 things HARDER to achieve than making a million dollars. Oftentimes, the greatest opportunities present themselves at times when we feel at our lowest. Adversity can destroy your life, if you allow it to. However, if you make the choice to transform adversity into an asset, you become stronger and more successful as a result. In the words of Benjamin Disraeli, “There is no education like adversity.” Are you ready to learn 3 things HARDER to achieve than making a million dollars? ★☆★ VIEW THE BLOG POST: ★☆★ ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO ME ON YOUTUBE: ★☆★ Subscribe ► ★☆★ FOLLOW ME BELOW: ★☆★ Blog ► Twitter ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► Periscope ► iTunes Podcast ► ★☆★ ABOUT PROJECT LIFE MASTERY: ★☆★ The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel is the place to be for motivational, inspiring, educational, and uplifting self improvement videos. You can also follow for videos about online business, Amazon, and making money online! ★☆★ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: ★☆★ Life Mastery Accelerator ► Online Business Mastery Accelerator ► Morning Ritual Mastery ► Affiliate Marketing Mastery ► Kindle Money Mastery ► 24 Hour Book Program ► Kindle Optimizer ► ★☆★ MERCHANDISE: ★☆★ Mastery Apparel ► ★☆★ RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: ★☆★ If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later.
Thursday, 28 September 2017
How to Laugh, Reflect, and Embrace Positivity in Judaism | Rabbi Levine on Yom Kippur
Darren Levine is the founding rabbi of Tamid, The Downtown Synagogue in New York City, which is guided by Positive Judaism. In an open letter earlier this year, Levine defined Positive Judaism as a spiritual life that "expands the mind, deepens personal character, strengthens community, improves the world, and adds joy and optimism to everyday living." Because of pop-culture stereotypes and the Jewish history persecution, people may not instantly think that Judaism and positivity are in sync, but Levine contents that joy and hope have been at the heart of the Jewish mindset for 3,000 years. You can choose to look at history with pessimism and negativity, says Levine, or you can instead find beauty in brokenness and turn it into jokes, positive emotion, and wisdom. "In the 21st century, it is the People that will or will not choose to be Jewish... Historical memory, Israel, the threat of anti-semitism and are not strong enough motivators for Jewish engagement. We need something new and serious and Positive Judaism is one new construct." Here, Levine shares a timely joke for Yom Kippur, and shares a teaching about hope and perspective. Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Transcript: Humor relates directly to positive of Judaism because humor is one of the 24 strengths in the category in the inventory of strengths and characteristics. We know that humor, which makes us laugh and we desire to be around people who are funny because it raises our senses of positive emotion, and that adds a lot of value. The U.S. Open and Yom Kippur generally fall during the same season of time. Yom Kippur is the day of forgiveness. It happens in the very early fall and the U.S. Open happens in the late summer to early fall and it just so happened that one year the men’s final and Yom Kippur happened on the same exact day. And so this child said to his father, “Dad, you know I can’t miss the U.S. Open. It’s the most important tennis match of the entire year.” And the father said, “Well, that’s what video recordings are for.” And the child said, “You mean we can tape Yom Kippur?” We can always choose to live with a pessimistic mindset. A lot of people ask: Judaism and positivity, can they sync together? And they can, despite the fact that individuals have faced anti-Semitism and oppression and there have been many times in Jewish history, like the pogroms when Jewish individuals and Jewish communities were oppressed and that is true for lots of different groups. But at the core of religious thought it is about resilience and it is about hope, it’s about joy, it’s about positive living, it’s about spirituality, deepening relationships and seeking to have a positive impact on one’s life, on their community and their family and in the world. Hatikvah is the Jewish national anthem. Hatikvah means 'the hope' and at the core of the Jewish mindset for 3000 years has been hope. I’ll tell you a story about hope, which is attributed to the Maggid of Dubno. Maggid of Dubno tells a story of a king who had a perfect diamond and the king loved this diamond and he would marvel at this diamond every single night. But one day he dropped this diamond and when he picked it up he noticed that there was a crack from the crown to the base of this diamond and the king was crestfallen. He called out to all of the master craftsman in the entire kingdom to come and see if they could repair this, but one after the other said to the king, “King, once a crack is in a diamond it cannot be repaired.” Days later a very humble jeweler came to the palace gates and said, “I would like to see the diamond.” And the king welcomed him and said, “Humble jeweler, the greatest craftsman in all of this land have tried to fix this diamond and each have said it’s impossible to repair.” But this humble jeweler said, “I would like to have a chance.” And so the king gave him the diamond and under the eyes of a watchful guard, for the next few weeks, this jeweler got to work.
Hitler's Used Underwear Just Sold For $6700
A pair of Hitler's drawers has sold at auction. Hannah and Ava have the details. Let us know how much you would pay for Hitler's boxers. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with John Iadarola and Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: JOHN: HANNAH: ON INSTAGRAM: JOHN: HANNAH: ON YOUTUBE: HANNAH: ON TWITCH:
Theater & Philosophy Rehabilitate Prisoners Better Than Harsh Sentences | Sabra Williams
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Story Of Most Famous Person In The World -By Qasim Ali Shah | In Urdu
In this video, Qasim Ali Shah sharing the story of very famous writer of the world with the audience. He is highlighting the points that will helpful for us to understand, why this person become a great writer in the world. After watching this video, we will also know, how this famous writer learnt during his very common job and how this all learning of him become the cause of his success. You will also know, every big legend, how start his success journey from zero and how they convert their zero in highly success. --------------------------- Qasim Ali Shah is a Public Speaker- Teacher- Writer- Corporate Trainer & Leader for every age group- Businessmen- Corporate executives- Employees- Students- Housewives- Networkers- Sportsmen and for all who wish everlasting Success- Happiness- Peace and Personal Growth. He helps people to change their belief & thought pattern- experience less stress and more success in their lives through better communication- positive thinking and spiritual knowledge. --------------------------- CONNECT WITH QASIM ALI SHAH: --------------------------- - Qasim Ali Shah: - Official Youtube Channel: - Facebook Fan Page: - Google+: - Twitter: - Website : -------------------- ABOUT QASIM ALI SHAH -------------------- - Qasim Ali Shah has been associated with the field of education since last 18 years. - He got his education from the leading trainers and scholars of Pakistan. - He has trained CSP Officers in MPDD and thousands of government school teachers and headmasters in DSD. - He has also trained many students and teachers of U.E.T, P.U and many other colleges. - He has taught moral values to prisoners in jails and also trained Police Officers in Police Academy. - He is the member of different HR and Marketing Forums and Literary clubs. - He is included among the top faculty members of Bahauddin Zakariya University. - SAMAA TV has presented a documentary of his Success Story. - He has trained the faculty of Lahore College for Women University. - He is included in the Advisory Counsel of different associations. - Reputed sales and insurance companies hire him to train their employees. - He has worked for the betterment of society with the co-operation of different. Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM MEMBER & EFFORT BY: WAQAS NASIR -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Facebook Bans A Woman Shaving Ad...Is It Sexist?
Facebook banned a woman's shaving ad and the brand is saying it was taken down for sexist reasons. Hannah and Ava discuss if what Facebook did was sexist. Let us know if you think it is sexist. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with John Iadarola and Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: JOHN: HANNAH: ON INSTAGRAM: JOHN: HANNAH: ON YOUTUBE: HANNAH: ON TWITCH:
Why Do We Sing The National Anthem At Sporting Events?
The national anthem is in the news a lot lately. Hannah and Ava Hill tell you why we sing the national anthem at sporting events. Let us know what you think of standing for the national anthem at sporting events. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with John Iadarola and Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: JOHN: HANNAH: ON INSTAGRAM: JOHN: HANNAH: ON YOUTUBE: HANNAH: ON TWITCH:
My Bitcoin Investment Strategy: Should You Buy Bitcoin & Other Cryptocurrencies?
FREE COURSE To Start Your Online Business: Items Mentioned: Coinbase: Trezor Wallet: Banking On Bitcoin Documentary: In this video I share with you my bitcoin investment strategy. Have you been questioning whether you should buy bitcoin & other cryptocurrencies? If so, I’m here to give you my perspective on it. I’m not an expert on the topic, but my bitcoin investment strategy may help guide you in the right direction. Bitcoin is a form of digital currency that has gained popularity in the last few years. It is the first example of a growing category of money, known as cryptocurrency. Personally, I see bitcoin as a risky and volatile investment to make, as the government has yet to regulate it. That being said, I do feel that there is a place in someone’s investment strategy for more risky investments that have the potential for a very high return or reward. Because of this, I have recently been investing in bitcoin, ethereum, and litecoin. Are you ready to learn what my bitcoin investment strategy is? In the words of Warren Buffett, one of the world’s most successful investors of all time, “Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” Make smart investments and build the financial foundation for your future today! This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). I only ever endorse products that I have personally used and benefitted from personally. Thank you for your support! ★☆★ VIEW THE BLOG POST: ★☆★ ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO ME ON YOUTUBE: ★☆★ Subscribe ► ★☆★ FOLLOW ME BELOW: ★☆★ Blog ► Twitter ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► Periscope ► iTunes Podcast ► ★☆★ ABOUT PROJECT LIFE MASTERY: ★☆★ The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel is the place to be for motivational, inspiring, educational, and uplifting self improvement videos. You can also follow for videos about online business, Amazon, and making money online! ★☆★ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: ★☆★ Life Mastery Accelerator ► Online Business Mastery Accelerator ► Morning Ritual Mastery ► Affiliate Marketing Mastery ► Kindle Money Mastery ► 24 Hour Book Program ► Kindle Optimizer ► ★☆★ MERCHANDISE: ★☆★ Mastery Apparel ► ★☆★ RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: ★☆★ If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later.
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
High School Students Make Rape Joke During Breast Cancer Awareness Game
During a Friday night, football game some students decided to paint their chests with a message. Hannah and Jason tell you how high school students made a rape joke during breast cancer awareness game. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with John Iadarola and Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: JOHN: HANNAH: ON INSTAGRAM: JOHN: HANNAH: ON YOUTUBE: HANNAH: ON TWITCH:
How the LGBTQ Community Taught America to Have Compassion: Service, HIV, AIDS | Judith Light
When the AIDS pandemic hit in 1981, the LGBTQ community was turned upside down. American actress Judith Light recalls the horrifying wave of death that swept through the community—but from that devastation, she witnessed a new force emerge. Pushed to be self-reliant in the absence of outside help, the LGBTQ community banded together and "became this magnificent example to the world of how to be of service," Light says. Elizabeth Taylor appealed to Congress for funding to fight the AIDS crisis, Larry Kramer founded the direct action advocacy group ACT UP to bring about legislation and medical research, and artists told the powerful stories of themselves and the ones they loved to help people understand why compassion was warranted. "I began to see that we were, by the example of the LGBQ community, we were one human family," says Light. Since then the LGBTQ community has not stopped being a force for progress and compassion, but there is much further to go, she says. Trans people are currently on the frontline of a struggle for public compassion and acceptance, and Light—who stars in Amazon’s comedy-drama series Transparent—naturally has much to say about defeating bigotry, serving the community, and the immense courage of the trans people who come out to live authentically. Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Transcript: For the LGBTQ community, for those of us who were inspired by the way the community operated during the height of the AIDS pandemic, there was a world that we were living in where people were dying in droves, and we were at several funerals a week and we were looking at a government that has talked about how “compassionate” they are, and there was no compassion coming to this community. And so there were pieces that were being written, places in which you were beginning to see that people were looking at this community in a new way. I mean, you look at Elizabeth Taylor and how she dealt with Rock Hudson and how she would go to Congress and talk to them about getting money and funding, and there was Larry Kramer, and my friend Paul Monette who wrote the book 'Borrowed Time: An AIDS Memoir' and 'Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story', and you’re watching a community become a force, banding together to operate at a level of community and commitment to each other when there was no help forthcoming from anywhere else. You saw Cleve Jones create the AIDS quilt, The NAMES Project, the AIDS Memorial Quilt. You saw Larry Kramer’s 'The Normal Heart', and then you saw it brought back to Broadway years later and then Ryan Murphy turned it into the HBO movie. You saw Ellen DeGeneres talk about being gay and coming out on television, 'Will and Grace', Ellen on the cover of Time. And what happened was the community began to take itself as a profound, powerful non-victim; assertive in the world. You saw Larry Kramer—you saw Act Up get created. You watched people take care of their own. You saw families torn apart and parents not coming to the deathbed of their sons because when they found out that they had AIDS that meant that they were gay, and they cut them off. So we were living in a world in which a community was turned upside down and became this magnificent example to the world of how to be of service. And I said to myself, “I want to be there to be a support in anyway that I can.” And watching that and seeing that and knowing that I wanted to be part of a community that so inspired me with the way that they were operating, and you began to see all of these stories come up in our business, you know, on Broadway, plays and television and films and movies—I mean, Tom Hanks winning the Oscar for 'Philadelphia'. You were watching something happen where I began to see that we were, by the example of the LGBQ community, we were one human family. We were, all of us, in this. Jeffrey Tambor described it, he said— when 'Transparent' came on he said, “The arrow had already been shot from the bow, we were riding on the arrow. It had already happened in the zeitgeist.” And when you have somebody like Jill Soloway whose parent comes out at 70 years old and says, “Actually this is who I really am,” and what does it mean to tell your family member, “The person you thought I was, that’s not who I am.
Why Trump Is In A Feud With Football Players
This weekend Trump went to war with the NFL. Hannah and Jason tell you why Trump is in a feud with football players. Let us know what you think of Trump and the protest. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with John Iadarola and Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: JOHN: HANNAH: ON INSTAGRAM: JOHN: HANNAH: ON YOUTUBE: HANNAH: ON TWITCH:
Nazi Ideology Is Becoming Mainstream Everywhere
An election in Germany was just held and there were some disturbing results. Hannah and Jason tell you how Nazi Ideology is becoming mainstream everywhere. Let us know if you think Nazism is on the rise? Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with John Iadarola and Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: JOHN: HANNAH: ON INSTAGRAM: JOHN: HANNAH: ON YOUTUBE: HANNAH: ON TWITCH:
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Why Mythological Stories Are Tools for Deep Thinking: The Power of Adam and Eve
The story of Adam and Eve and their eviction from paradise is one of the most famous origin stories on Earth, central to Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. But, it's full of holes. Harvard professor Stephen Greenblatt illuminates some of these: for example, how could the first humans, who had no prior concept of death, understand God's ultimatum—eat the forbidden fruit and you will die. And when they did eat the fruit, why didn't they die? The same questions have puzzled scholars for millennia, but it doesn't stop massive numbers of people all over the world believing it in a literal sense. This doesn't strike Greenblatt as stupid, or naive, or even surprising, it only strikes him as human. We have always needed the power of narrative to orient ourselves in the world, and the tale of Adam and Eve is one of the earliest and most powerful examples of good and evil on record. To understand why this story exists is to understand something fundamental about human nature, and to pick at the holes in its logic to think deeply. "Often the thing that seems incomprehensible is the place you want to start digging," he says. Stephen Greenblatt's latest book is The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve. Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Transcript: I think the first thing to say about the story of Adam and Eve is it’s one of innumerable origin stories. It happens to be the most celebrated, the most famous and powerful origin story in our culture, central to Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, but it’s only one of many, many origin stories. It seems to be something that our species does; and as far as we know other species don’t do it. I don’t think that chimpanzees ask questions about the origin of chimpanzees, or bottlenose dolphins and sperm whales, but we do ask, “Where did we come from? What were the first ones of our species?” And this appears to be a universal phenomenon in culture, to ask about origins. So this is a crucially significant version of the kind of story that is generated. And we might ask, “Why? Why do we want to know? Why don’t other creatures want to know?” Well, I think there are a number of different explanations—one is our insatiable curiosity, including something like scientific curiosity. Another is our uneasiness, perhaps, about ourselves and the course of our existence: Why is it so hard? Why do we have to labor? Why do we weeds grow in the fields and we have to clear them out in order to get food from the ground? Why can’t we just get everything we need naturally? Why do women scream in pain when they give birth to offspring—a totally natural event that is part of the replication of the species? Why are men so miserable to women, and why do they put up with it? And, maybe above all, why do we die? So the story addresses these in an incredibly powerful though difficult way, but in very, very tight compass it addresses those questions and more in a way that human beings appear to want and need, as a way of orienting themselves in the world, as a way of understanding their fate. The fact that the first humans are in a garden where they’re told that they can eat of any tree that they want—they’re vegetarians—and they can eat of any tree in the garden except for one, which they are prohibited from eating. And it happens that the one tree that they’re prohibited from eating is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And it was noticed a very long time ago, say several thousand years ago, that it’s a problem to be prohibited from eating of the tree that will enable you to distinguish between good and evil, since distinguishing between good and evil is presumably what enables you to observe the prohibition in the first place! So that problem bothered people right away, or at least maybe not right away but at least 2,000 years ago. And then we have various other problems: they’re warned that they will die if they violate the prohibition. He doesn’t explain, unfortunately, what that means, and since there had been—as far as we know—no death in the world up to that point, it must have been rather perplexing. I sometimes think of Adam hearing this for the first time and thinking, “I don’t really know what he means, but next time I talk to him I’ll ask him, what do you mean by "die"?” But in any case we don’t get any explanation given to the first humans as to what it is they’re being told to beware of.
Top Reason Of People's Bad Decision -By Qasim Ali Shah | In Urdu
In this short video, Qasim Ali Shah talking on the top reason of bad decision that mostly people do in their daily life. He is sharing his experience, knowledge and wisdom that will help us to make better person and lead us on the road of our success. --------------------------- Qasim Ali Shah is a Public Speaker- Teacher- Writer- Corporate Trainer & Leader for every age group- Businessmen- Corporate executives- Employees- Students- Housewives- Networkers- Sportsmen and for all who wish everlasting Success- Happiness- Peace and Personal Growth. He helps people to change their belief & thought pattern- experience less stress and more success in their lives through better communication- positive thinking and spiritual knowledge. --------------------------- CONNECT WITH QASIM ALI SHAH: --------------------------- - Qasim Ali Shah: - Official Youtube Channel: - Facebook Fan Page: - Google+: - Twitter: - Website : -------------------- ABOUT QASIM ALI SHAH -------------------- - Qasim Ali Shah has been associated with the field of education since last 18 years. - He got his education from the leading trainers and scholars of Pakistan. - He has trained CSP Officers in MPDD and thousands of government school teachers and headmasters in DSD. - He has also trained many students and teachers of U.E.T, P.U and many other colleges. - He has taught moral values to prisoners in jails and also trained Police Officers in Police Academy. - He is the member of different HR and Marketing Forums and Literary clubs. - He is included among the top faculty members of Bahauddin Zakariya University. - SAMAA TV has presented a documentary of his Success Story. - He has trained the faculty of Lahore College for Women University. - He is included in the Advisory Counsel of different associations. - Reputed sales and insurance companies hire him to train their employees. - He has worked for the betterment of society with the co-operation of different. Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM MEMBER & EFFORT BY: WAQAS NASIR -----------------------------------------------------------------------
How To Step Up In Moments Of Crisis And Adversity
Join Morning Ritual Mastery: In this video I share with you how to step up in moments of crisis and adversity. There are a lot of challenges occurring in the world right now. The devastation that Hurricane Irma, Hurricane Harvey, and Hurricane Maria have inflicted upon the people of the Caribbean, Florida, Texas, and Puerto Rico is heartbreaking. Hurricane Maria has people in Puerto Rico currently in desperate need. My prayers are with all of the families who have lost their homes and loved ones. Whether we are directly affected by these challenges or not, I think that a lot of people become passive to them. They don’t reflect upon how they can make a difference to help improve situations of crisis and adversity. We need to step up, give more, and become leaders in our lives. We are all global citizens; it is our responsibility to play a role in the progression of the world at large. In doing so, we are helping to secure a better future for all of us. In the words of Albert Einstein, “Adversity introduces a man to himself.” Are you ready to learn how to step up in moments of crisis and adversity? ★☆★ VIEW THE BLOG POST: ★☆★ ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO ME ON YOUTUBE: ★☆★ Subscribe ► ★☆★ FOLLOW ME BELOW: ★☆★ Blog ► Twitter ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► Periscope ► iTunes Podcast ► ★☆★ ABOUT PROJECT LIFE MASTERY: ★☆★ The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel is the place to be for motivational, inspiring, educational, and uplifting self improvement videos. You can also follow for videos about online business, Amazon, and making money online! ★☆★ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: ★☆★ Life Mastery Accelerator ► Online Business Mastery Accelerator ► Morning Ritual Mastery ► Affiliate Marketing Mastery ► Kindle Money Mastery ► 24 Hour Book Program ► Kindle Optimizer ► ★☆★ MERCHANDISE: ★☆★ Mastery Apparel ► ★☆★ RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: ★☆★ If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later.
Why Are Religious People Healthier and Happier? | Rabbi Darren Levin
Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Transcript: Ideas of the science of religion are complicated. God is difficult to bring into the laboratory, and it is very hard to quantify the sacred, but science is beginning to ask questions about the results or the consequences of participating in religious life. Questions like: does participating in a religious community, does having faith in God, does engaging in a process of building a relationship with the divine, do those questions add positivity to people’s lives? And the research is conclusive, and the research shows that yes, a person who participates in a faith community, who has a relationship with God, and who is on a quest for purpose, that their lives are better and that they do scale higher in the tests of well-being and happiness. Does that mean it is because as they engage in a process of discovering their faith and deepening their relationship with the God that it is reciprocated on high? I don’t know; that it is very hard to quantify. But what we do know is that people who participate actively in faith community, they have a higher standard of health and that might be because within religious communities, in the best-case scenario, the teachings and the wisdom and the practices are about things like family, personal responsibility, making a positive impact in the world, helping others, deepening relationships; and all of those practices do add a positive value to a person’s life. And so the reactions or the consequences for participating in a faith community do add positive value and well-being and life satisfaction to people’s lives. Positive psychology got its start from the awareness that the field was focused too much on people’s weaknesses and not their strengths, and so Martin Seligman and Chris Peterson worked to shift the way psychology is practiced, rather than think of someone and their problems we think of someone and their strengths, and we try to develop of those strengths, try to see the best in people. Everybody has signature strengths, and we want to focus and help them develop those and in developing those it helps to shore-up some of their weaknesses. In a communal setting, expanding on the inventory, we try to apply the same characteristics that are articulated for individuals but we try to put them into practice in a communal setting. And in a community setting is where Judaism lends itself beautifully to applying the inventory of strengths and characteristics. So the intersection of where positive psychology and the science of happiness intersect with positive religion and positive Judaism really live at the intersection of PERMA. PERMA is an acronym, which stands for positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment. So let’s take each of these five domains and see them in the context of religious practice. So we’ll start with P, positive emotion. In a best-case scenario you think about a sanctuary or an amphitheater setting where faith communities gather, and there are messages of hope, there are soothing melodies, there’s good music, there’s fellowship, and all of those combined together are designed to raise the positive emotion in someone’s life. And I can tell you that when I travel I go to different churches, synagogues, mosques—over the summer I was in Iceland and I went to a Episcopal church in Reykjavík where the entire ceremony was spoken in Icelandic and I didn’t understand a word, but over the course of an hour and a half I felt my energy level shift and I walked out of that chapel feeling more positive, and it has to do with the environment. So positive emotions are raised by participating in faith community. The accomplishment of making the world a better place, now that is a core teaching in Judaism—the idea of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world and making it a better place, and having that as a goal to accomplish both for individuals and as a collective religious community—all that combined together in PERMA seems to be the perfect application of this theory of positive psychology. And religious settings, I believe, are that perfect application, that perfect place to see and to live the theory of PERMA and positive psychology. Now there’s more than just PERMA in positive Judaism and positive religion, there’s also a studied set of characteristics and strengths that come directly from the work of Martin Seligman and Chris Peterson, who in the 1990s developed an inventory of strengths.
Monday, 25 September 2017
2 Different Ways to Write a Book: Beach Reads, War & Peace, F. Scott Fitzgerald | Salman Rushdie
Writing is a strange beast. Everyone can do it, but very few can do it well. And those that can do it well often have very little cognizance as to what it is about their process that makes it click — F. Scott Fitzgerald died thinking he was a failure despite writing arguably the greatest book of the 20th century (The Great Gatsby). But author, intellect, and all-around bon vivant Salman Rushdie has a good take on what makes great books work: they capture the moment around the character and incorporate it into the story, which helps drive the story forward. It might not seem to many like a massive change, but Rushdie accurately points out that this is what made Gatsby work so well: the novel's ability to capture the moment of the Jazz Age. It's that ability to write layers into the story that separates the wheat from the chaff. If you'd like to read more of Rushdie's work, his latest work is The Golden House. Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Transcript: First of all I would say that it’s always been the case that there has been two kinds of process, there’s been that instant process where people are trying to make work that has a huge impact at the moment and they don’t give any consideration really to its enduring quality. I think in the world of books there clearly is a sort of a best seller writing, which exists for that quick hit, you know, it exists in order to sell a million copies very quickly and for everybody to read it on the beach that year and then throw it away. I mean that’s a perfectly reasonable way to approach things. But if you do the other thing, which is to hope that people will read your books long after the moment in which they were written then you have to bear in mind certain things that do endure. One of the things... the thing that endures most of all is human nature. Human nature is a great constant; it’s always the same in every country in every time. The reason why we sitting here in the 21st century in America we can watch a play written by the a 16th century English playwright - William Shakespeare - and it still says something to us... is because what those plays understand and have in common with us is an understanding of how human beings work, what it is that motivates us for good or evil. So I think at the center of the business of creating something enduring is to never lose sight of the human figure at the heart of it, never lose sight of the human scale. The moment you become too grand, too kind of wide angle in your portrayal of the world you lose the sense of that individual in the middle of the crowd. So in a way you always have to know where Waldo is and the crowd has to be about him in the end and it’s his presence that orchestrates and gives meaning to the crowd. So that’s one thing I would say that you really need to have as deep an understanding of human nature as your gift permits. Beyond that there are things that have caused work to endure. One of the things is if you are able to capture a moment because one of the things that we do as readers is we read the past through its literature. So if we want to know something deep about Napoleon’s Russian campaign, for example, we read War and Peace, which takes us into the reality of that moment in Russia perhaps as no history book can because it takes us into the human experience of it, the lived experience of it. But I think more recently a book like The Kite Runner would be a book that would do that for the lived reality of Kazakhstan, which is something that people see on the news quite often as a place where explosions happen. But what literature can do is take you into the lived experience of that place that makes it valuable for a long time.
Sunday, 24 September 2017
Use the Power of Positive Thinking to Transform Your Life -By Qasim Ali Shah | In Urdu
In this short video, Qasim Ali Shah talking about on the power of positive thinking. He is sharing his wisdom, knowledge and experience to understand the audience, how and why, your positive thinking leaves solid impact on your life. After watching this video, why positive thinking causes the changing of people's life. Qasim Ali Shah is a Public Speaker- Teacher- Writer- Corporate Trainer & Leader for every age group- Businessmen- Corporate executives- Employees- Students- Housewives- Networkers- Sportsmen and for all who wish everlasting Success- Happiness- Peace and Personal Growth. He helps people to change their belief & thought pattern- experience less stress and more success in their lives through better communication- positive thinking and spiritual knowledge. --------------------------- CONNECT WITH QASIM ALI SHAH: --------------------------- - Qasim Ali Shah: - Official Youtube Channel: - Facebook Fan Page: - Google+: - Twitter: - Website : -------------------- ABOUT QASIM ALI SHAH -------------------- - Qasim Ali Shah has been associated with the field of education since last 18 years. - He got his education from the leading trainers and scholars of Pakistan. - He has trained CSP Officers in MPDD and thousands of government school teachers and headmasters in DSD. - He has also trained many students and teachers of U.E.T, P.U and many other colleges. - He has taught moral values to prisoners in jails and also trained Police Officers in Police Academy. - He is the member of different HR and Marketing Forums and Literary clubs. - He is included among the top faculty members of Bahauddin Zakariya University. - SAMAA TV has presented a documentary of his Success Story. - He has trained the faculty of Lahore College for Women University. - He is included in the Advisory Counsel of different associations. - Reputed sales and insurance companies hire him to train their employees. - He has worked for the betterment of society with the co-operation of different. Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM MEMBER & EFFORT BY: WAQAS NASIR -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Will Alien Life Resemble Life on Earth? Harvard Biologist Jonathan Losos Explains
Is there life on other planets? Harvard biologist Jonathan B. Losos has an interesting theory that since there are so many Earth-type planets in our galaxy alone that there's a good chance that there's some humanoid looking (at least in the bipedal sense) creatures out there, too. Just like a Hollywood movie. Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Jonathan B. Losos: So this question about the inevitability of evolution, the extent to which the outcomes we see in the world today were destined to occur, has a number of implications. I mean just most generally it tells us whether how fated evolution was to occur, how the outcome today was destined in a way. But it has other implications as well that people have long speculated about, and that is: what would life be like on other planets if it is evolved? Would it be like the world today here on Earth or would it be completely different? And this question has taken on some increased urgency or at least interest in recent years because we now realize that there are many planets out there that are like Earth. We used to think that Earth was perhaps unique and so perhaps life as we know it is unique, because we’re the only place that it could evolve. But quite the contrary we’ve now discovered that there are lots of what are called “habitable exoplanets”, Some people estimate millions, even billions just in our own Milky Way galaxy. So if that’s the case, if there are that many Earth-like planets – and by Earth-like I mean about the same size, temperature, atmosphere somewhat similar, running water – roughly similar conditions. If there are really that many Earth-like planets many people think that it’s very likely that life has evolved on them. And so the question is what will that life look like? Well there are those who argue that from the argument of convergent evolution they argue that species facing the same conditions here on Earth evolved the same solutions by natural selection. They extrapolate to say if conditions on other planets are similar to here then we would see very similar lifeforms, that you arrive on whatever planet you’ll see animal and plant-like organisms that look very familiar. Some people have gone so far as to say that, in fact, human type organisms, humanoids will occur on other planets. So there will be intelligent beings that if we saw them they would be recognizable which, of course, is what Hollywood tells us. If you watch almost any science fiction TV show or movie the intelligent lifeform is bipedal, a couple of arms, a mouth. Maybe they only have three fingers and pointy ears and they’re green, but they’re pretty humanoid. And so some people say yes, that’s actually very likely that humans are a very successful lifeform here on Earth that we are extremely well adapted to our environment which ancestrally was occurring on the plains of Africa. But we have adapted so exquisitely that we now dominate the world. And so if this is such a good adaptation here on Earth it would similarly be a good adaptation on another planet and evolution would be likely to take the similar course. That is the argument that is being made in some quarters.
What It's REALLY Like To Be A Millionaire
FREE COURSE To Start Your Online Business: In this video I share with you what it’s REALY like to be a millionaire. Many people have an idealized notion of what it means to be a millionaire. Just because someone is a millionaire, that doesn’t necessarily mean that their lifestyle aligns with their bank account. Most successful millionaires do not live how you think they do. Not only that, but they set themselves apart from others by the skills that they have mastered, like confidence, discipline, emotional intelligence, and money management, to name a few. Becoming a millionaire doesn’t happen overnight. I know that many of you have goals and aspirations of joining the ‘millionaire’s club’ one day, so I’m happy to share my story with you. Are you ready to learn what it’s REALLY like to be a millionaire? You may be surprised by what I have to say. This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). I only ever endorse products that I have personally used and benefitted from personally. Thank you for your support! ★☆★ VIEW THE BLOG POST: ★☆★ ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO ME ON YOUTUBE: ★☆★ Subscribe ► ★☆★ FOLLOW ME BELOW: ★☆★ Blog ► Twitter ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► Periscope ► iTunes Podcast ► ★☆★ ABOUT PROJECT LIFE MASTERY: ★☆★ The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel is the place to be for motivational, inspiring, educational, and uplifting self improvement videos. You can also follow for videos about online business, Amazon, and making money online! ★☆★ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: ★☆★ Life Mastery Accelerator ► Online Business Mastery Accelerator ► Morning Ritual Mastery ► Affiliate Marketing Mastery ► Kindle Money Mastery ► 24 Hour Book Program ► Kindle Optimizer ► ★☆★ MERCHANDISE: ★☆★ Mastery Apparel ► ★☆★ RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: ★☆★ If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later.
How To Raise Rockstar Kids
How To Raise Kids - The fundamentals of raising psychologically outstanding children. The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career: Leo Reviews Top 200 Self Help Books Leo's Blog: Forum Contribute subtitles & translations for any video, watch how: Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.
Saturday, 23 September 2017
Richard Dawkins: A.I. Might Run the World Better Than Humans Do
Will A.I. take us over, and one day look back on this time period as the dawn of their civilization? Richard Dawkins posits an interesting idea, or at the very least a premise to a good science-fiction novel. Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Richard Dawkins: When we come to artificial intelligence and the possibility of their becoming conscious we reach a profound philosophical difficulty. I am a philosophical naturalist. I am committed to the view that there’s nothing in our brains that violates the laws of physics, there’s nothing that could not in principle be reproduced in technology. It hasn’t been done yet, we’re probably quite a long way away from it, but I see no reason why in the future we shouldn’t reach the point where a human made robot is capable of consciousness and of feeling pain. We can feel pain, why shouldn’t they? And this is profoundly disturbing because it kind of goes against the grain to think that a machine made of metal and silicon chips could feel pain, but I don’t see why they would not. And so this moral consideration of how to treat artificially intelligent robots will arise in the future, and it’s a problem which philosophers and moral philosophers are already talking about. Once again, I’m committed to the view that this is possible. I’m committed to the view that anything that a human brain can do can be replicated in silicon. And so I’m sympathetic to the misgivings that have been expressed by highly respected figures like Elon Musk and Steven Hawking that we ought to be worried that on the precautionary principle we should worry about a takeover perhaps even by robots by our own creation, especially if they reproduce themselves and potentially even evolve by reproduction and don’t need us anymore. This is a science-fiction speculation at the moment, but I think philosophically I’m committed to the view that it is possible, and like any major advance we need to apply the precautionary principle and ask ourselves what the consequences might be. It could be said that the sum of not human happiness but the sum of sentient-being happiness might be improved, they might make a better job do a better job of running the world than we are, certainly that we are at present, and so perhaps it might not be a bad thing if we went extinct. And our civilization, the memory of Shakespeare and Beethoven and Michelangelo persisted in silicon rather than in brains and our form of life. And one could foresee a future time when silicon beings look back on a dawn age when the earth was peopled by soft squishy watery organic beings and who knows that might be better, but we’re really in the science fiction territory now.
Friday, 22 September 2017
This Condom Has A Consent Message That Is SO Stupid
Sometimes condom companies like to spice things up with funny sayings on the wrapper. Hannah and Xavier Brinkman show you one they shouldn't have made. Let us know what you thought of this condom. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with John Iadarola and Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: JOHN: HANNAH: ON INSTAGRAM: JOHN: HANNAH: ON YOUTUBE: HANNAH: ON TWITCH:
Big Pharma Doesn’t Treat Sick People, It Treats Rich People—Let's Change That
One of the world's open secrets is that we don't look after all sick people in the same way. Why does back pain in the U.S. get a treatment developed faster than fatal dysentery in Central Africa? It's not a huge riddle: research and development programs of the pharmaceutical industry treat the diseases and ailments that will turn the highest profit. To solve a problem this large and unjust, Nicole Hassoun, a residential fellow with the Hope & Optimism Project at Cornell University, is employing the virtue she terms 'creative resolve'. When obstacles get in our way, Hassoun says we need to think innovatively about how can we change the problem or look at it differently. If we can't appeal to Big Pharma's better nature, then we have to come up with more creative solutions. And Hassoun has one: fair trade pharmaceuticals. Here, she explains her idea to incentivize cheaper drugs and medical access to combat global health crises. This video was filmed as part of the Los Angeles Hope Festival, a collaboration between Big Think and Hope & Optimism. Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Transcript: I argue that human rights should give us hope and inspire us to stake our claims and help everyone live a dignified life. I think hope supports this virtue of creative resolve, which is a fundamental commitment to trying to find ways of fulfilling rights. Creative resolve is a personal as well as political virtue so that's the kind of thing that individuals can have in their own personal lives as well as in working together to bring about positive change. When each of us find obstacles to doing things that we really believe in, then I think often we need to think creatively about how can we change the problem or look at the problem differently? People might ask, 'Well, how far do you have to go with this? Aren’t we actually facing resource constraints? Aren’t there times we have to let people die?' And I was listening to this podcast of I think it was in New Orleans where they had a hospital and they had to do triage because the helicopters were coming to save everybody and it was in the flood. So there’s this nurse who had resuscitated somebody and she was pumping this oxygen bag and the doctor says to her, “Look you’re going to have to let that guy go, the helicopters just aren’t coming.” So she holds this guy in her arms while he dies. And I think that’s the point at which we should be before we give up, that creative resolve requires us to go all the way to that edge. There were 2000 people or something in that hospital who were largely unoccupied for the 24 hour or 48 or 64 hours until those helicopters came. And so creative resolve would think, how would we keep somebody pumping that oxygen bag for the next day or two? Maybe we could line people up and take turns. So I think we have to make the hope for human rights and global health and that requires each of us to think creatively about ways of helping people. My own project is the Global Health Impact project where we attempt to evaluate pharmaceutical consequences for global health around the world and then create incentives for companies and other organizations to actually focus on extending access on essential medicines more broadly, because they can receive credit on this rating system. It’s a kind of human rights indicator that I think could make a large difference. The later parts of the book I argue that pharmaceutical companies are actually violating rights and failing to live up to their obligations when they set prices that make it difficult if not impossible for people to access essential medicines and there’s alternatives to doing that. I think there’s some more fundamental questions about how do we restructure our research and development systems to reward innovation that actually has the right kinds of consequences for global health. So rather than treating these chronic diseases of rich patients where the pharmaceutical companies can make the most money, if we can give them incentives to focus on the largest health problems around the world I think that would be absolutely fantastic. And so the idea of creating something like a fair trade label that pharmaceutical companies might love because they can make more for products that have these labels if people are willing to incentivize them to try to get that label based on having a larger health impact, that could be pretty fantastic. There’s also a large public health side to what I’m doing so, again, if we know where we’re having an impact and where were not at, say, the country level that could be really important for guiding the distribution of medicines or focusing efforts to promote positive change.
Secrets To Raising Happy, Successful Children -By QAS Foundation | 24 Sep, 2017
For Registration: 0334-4120759 (Call Timing: 9am to 5pm) Workshop Timing: 12pm to 5pm (Sunday, 24 September. ) This workshop Offered by Qasim Ali Shah Foundation. Qasim Ali Shah is a Public Speaker- Teacher- Writer- Corporate Trainer & Leader for every age group- Businessmen- Corporate executives- Employees- Students- Housewives- Networkers- Sportsmen and for all who wish everlasting Success- Happiness- Peace and Personal Growth. He helps people to change their belief & thought pattern- experience less stress and more success in their lives through better communication- positive thinking and spiritual knowledge. --------------------------- CONNECT WITH QASIM ALI SHAH: --------------------------- - Qasim Ali Shah: - Official Youtube Channel: - Facebook Fan Page: - Google+: - Twitter: - Website : -------------------- ABOUT QASIM ALI SHAH -------------------- - Qasim Ali Shah has been associated with the field of education since last 18 years. - He got his education from the leading trainers and scholars of Pakistan. - He has trained CSP Officers in MPDD and thousands of government school teachers and headmasters in DSD. - He has also trained many students and teachers of U.E.T, P.U and many other colleges. - He has taught moral values to prisoners in jails and also trained Police Officers in Police Academy. - He is the member of different HR and Marketing Forums and Literary clubs. - He is included among the top faculty members of Bahauddin Zakariya University. - SAMAA TV has presented a documentary of his Success Story. - He has trained the faculty of Lahore College for Women University. - He is included in the Advisory Counsel of different associations. - Reputed sales and insurance companies hire him to train their employees. - He has worked for the betterment of society with the co-operation of different. Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM MEMBER & EFFORT BY: WAQAS NASIR -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Want To Be Happy? Here's The Secret.
Join Morning Ritual Mastery: Want to be happy? Here’s the secret. In this video I share my insights as to how you can experience more happiness in your life. The pursuit of happiness is a universal desire. We are all striving to have more of it in our lives. The challenge that many people face is that they try to find happiness, in the form of external circumstances or rewards. This form of happiness is only temporary. People fail to realize that happiness comes from within, and the degree to which you experience it is entirely in your control. Happiness is a choice that we have to make every day. Make the decision to be happy NOW! Want to be more happy? Here’s the secret. It's easier than you think. This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). I only ever endorse products that I have personally used and benefitted from personally. Thank you for your support! ★☆★ VIEW THE BLOG POST: ★☆★ ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO ME ON YOUTUBE: ★☆★ Subscribe ► ★☆★ FOLLOW ME BELOW: ★☆★ Blog ► Twitter ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► Periscope ► iTunes Podcast ► ★☆★ ABOUT PROJECT LIFE MASTERY: ★☆★ The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel is the place to be for motivational, inspiring, educational, and uplifting self improvement videos. You can also follow for videos about online business, Amazon, and making money online! ★☆★ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: ★☆★ Life Mastery Accelerator ► Online Business Mastery Accelerator ► Morning Ritual Mastery ► Affiliate Marketing Mastery ► Kindle Money Mastery ► 24 Hour Book Program ► Kindle Optimizer ► ★☆★ MERCHANDISE: ★☆★ Mastery Apparel ► ★☆★ RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: ★☆★ If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later. Music: Cinematic Background by AShamaluevMusic Stream AShamaluev Music on: ● Apple Music: - ● Spotify: - ----------------------------------------------------- My Website:
Wednesday, 20 September 2017
Students Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month In the Most F***ed Up Way Possible
September marks Hispanic Heritage Month and students in Alabama decided to celebrate like this. Hannah and Nando Vila show you how these students celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month in the most fucked up way possible. Let us know what you think of what these kids did. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with John Iadarola and Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: JOHN: HANNAH: ON INSTAGRAM: JOHN: HANNAH: ON YOUTUBE: HANNAH: ON TWITCH:
Can Universal Basic Income End Our Cultural Obsession With Work? | Philosopher Andrew Taggart
In 1948, German philosopher Josef Pieper predicted that society was headed for a dystopia he called 'Total Work'. With most of us in 2017 working too long, missing social events, working on weekends, and egging on our older years just for the retirement, practical philosopher Andrew Taggart believes we have reached the verge of that dystopia. He describes the conditions that are tightening around us—our lives are scheduled around the needs of our jobs, our time with family and friends is subordinated to it (in a 5:2 ratio!), and our free time increasingly resembles work, in vocabulary and in action: we run errands, aim to have "productive" days, try to rest so that we are fresh for Monday—the start of another week. Taggart thinks Universal Basic Income is the ideological push we need to begin questioning how we can cut loose from our cultural obsession with work, and how we might live in a world without it. Are we human beings, or instruments of productivity? Has our intense focus on work become pathological? For more, visit Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Transcript:'Total work' was a term coined by Josef Pieper, a lesser known German philosopher from the 20th century, and he was concerned that after World War II there would be a time of total work. By that I take him to mean that work comes to be the center around which the world turns. Human beings start to see themselves chiefly as workers, and the entirety of life becomes more and more work, or work like. To see this we can begin to examine a number of what I might call tightening conditions. So the first condition would be the centrality of work. We've come to think that work is actually the center and everything else begins to turn around it. To see this more clearly we can think about the fact that we woke up to go to work today or that we are going home from work today. That we are preparing for work. That we are preparing to leave work. And this is happening all the way around the world. Meanwhile we’re adjusting our schedules, the rest of our lives, so that they are turning about it. So that would be the first condition. The second condition is subordination. That everything else in life comes to seem as if it’s subordinate to, and to be put in the service of, work. We can think of sleeping: the idea is that we wish to sleep well today in order to be focused and prepared for work. And that when we’re at work we wish to be as productive as possible. So sleep becomes that which is an instrument in the service of productivity. And we can play that game with all sorts of different instances. The third condition is the resemblance claim. It seems as if everything else in life comes to resemble work, more and more. So you can think of, on a day off you are wanting to be as productive as possible, thinking about how much you got done. You can begin to think about all the ways in which you plan and schedule time with children. The terms that begin to mark out our lives even when we’re not actually working sound more and more work like. And the last condition I think is the most intense and that’s what I might call cultural forgetfulness. Well suppose there were to come to pass Universal Basic Income. And suppose, for the sake of argument, that that were sufficient to meet our material needs—that is, those concerned with having enough food, proper shelter, sufficient warmth, sufficient coldness, and the like, so that it was enough. As one philosopher, Harry Frankfurt, calls it we have doctrine of sufficiency. So suppose basic income allowed us all to have enough. Then once again I think we would need to think about what we would do with ourselves. Aristotle in 'Politics' says, really quite famously, that we non-leisure in order to have leisure. And that was the way that it would be translated: we non-leisure in order to have leisure. The question is how are we going to dwell on our leisure?And I think we’ve been educated to a point at which we really don’t know how to answer that question. People, I think, are struck by a very difficult condition, which is a medieval condition, called acedia.
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