Monday, 30 April 2018

Plastic Surgery Apps Are Targeting Young Girls

Beauty standards for young girls are being influenced by technology and social media platforms. Hannah Cranston and Brooke Thomas talk about the different apps available to young girls. Let us know if you've ever used any of the cosmetic apps mentioned. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: HANNAH ON TWITTER: ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON YOUTUBE:


FREE AMAZON FBA TRAINING: In this video, I talk about the reasons why you’re struggling and failing in your life. Over the last few days, I’ve been interacting with hundreds of people from all walks of life that have the desire to change their lives. However, despite their best efforts, they can't. It’s natural to feel frustrated or disappointed when things don’t go your way. I assume that you are about to watch this video because you want to change something in your life and that’s great! Over the last 6 years, it’s been my mission in life to serve as a positive example of the unlimited possibilities that life has to offer. I don’t want you to struggle. Rather, I want you to prosper and be happy. Are you ready to receive some direct, honest, B.S. free feedback for why you’re struggling and failing in your life? ★☆★ VIEW THE BLOG POST: ★☆★ ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO ME ON YOUTUBE: ★☆★ Subscribe ► ★☆★ FOLLOW ME BELOW: ★☆★ Blog ► Twitter ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► Periscope ► iTunes Podcast ► ★☆★ ABOUT PROJECT LIFE MASTERY: ★☆★ The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel is the place to be for motivational, inspiring, educational, and uplifting self improvement videos. You can also follow for videos about online business, Amazon, and making money online! ★☆★ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: ★☆★ Life Mastery Accelerator ► Online Business Mastery Accelerator ► Morning Ritual Mastery ► Affiliate Marketing Mastery ► Kindle Money Mastery ► 24 Hour Book Program ► Kindle Optimizer ► ★☆★ MERCHANDISE: ★☆★ Mastery Apparel ► ★☆★ RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: ★☆★ If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later.

How skepticism can fight radicalism, conspiracy theorists, and Holocaust deniers | Michael Shermer

Liberal college students have taken to shouting down certain right-leaning speakers on campus that they don't agree with. Michael Shermer, the publisher of Skeptic Magazine, thinks that is the worst thing you can do. He posits that all you do when you prevent someone from speaking is make certain people want to hear them more. This has led to the rise of the conspiracy theorists and why fringe ideas—from something as silly as flat-earth believers to something as morally reprehensible as Nazism and Holocaust deniers—have been pushed back into the mainstream. Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: There’s a market for what we do; that is, skepticism. What is skepticism? It’s just a scientific way of thinking. So why aren’t scientists doing this? Because they’re busy doing their own thing in their particular fields. What the skeptical movement has developed is a set of tools like the Baloney Detection Kit, a set of tools to deal with particular claims that are on the margins of science like creationism, intelligent design theory, the anti-vaccinations, the holocaust revisionists, you know, all these conspiracy theories and so on and all these alternative medicines, there’s hundreds and hundreds of these claims that are all connected to different sciences, but the scientists in those particular fields are too busy working in their research to bother with what these claims are because they claims really aren’t about those fields, they’re just hooked to them. They’re about something else, because back in the ‘80s when I first saw some professional scientists debate Duane Gish, the “Young Earth” creationist, they did not fare well. And I saw some holocaust historians debating or confronting Holocaust so-called revisionists or deniers, they did not fare well because they didn’t know the special arguments that are being made by these fringe people that have nothing to do with the science really, they have an agenda, and they’re using these little tweaked questions to get at the mainstream and try to debunk it for their own idea logical reasons. So for example, like Holocaust revisionists, they make this the big deal about why the door on the gas chamber at Mauthausen doesn’t lock. “I mean if it doesn’t lock how are you gassing people if you can’t lock the door? So they must not have gassed people in there, so if they didn’t gas people at Mauthausen they probably didn’t gas people at any of the death camps. And if they didn’t gas people at any of the death camps then there must not have been a Holocaust.” What?! Wait a minute. All from this door that doesn’t lock? Well I eventually went and found out that that wasn’t the original door; that took me a couple of years, but that’s the kind of specialty thing that skeptics do that mainstream scientists, scholars, historians don’t have time to do. So over the 25 years, not just us there’s other skeptic magazines and conferences and groups of people that meet at meet ups and so on all over the world, and it’s because of the Internet, especially this whole idea of what we now call fake news, alternative facts, has gotten bigger and bigger and it just gets unfolded in real time online within minutes and hours and we have to jump on it fast. That’s really in part what we do so that’s what we’ve been doing for 25 years is kind of putting out brushfires here and there, but also developing a set of tools that can apply to any future ideas, because I don’t know what’s going to be popular five years from now. Heck I don’t know what’s going to be trending tomorrow, who knows? So you’ve got to have these tools at the ready and that’s what we’ve been doing at Skeptic magazine, but let's address a college campus issue these days. Ok, I really think this goes back to the 1980s. I noticed it first when I was in graduate school, the second time when I got a PhD in the history of science. My first round was in the ‘70s in experimental psychology graduate school, and I didn’t notice any of this campus stuff. In the late ‘80s when I was in my doctoral program—because history deals a lot with literature, the kind of post-modernist deconstruction of what texts means, it was really taking off. So I initially thought “What is this? But okay I’ll give it a shot I’ll keep an open mind here and just try to follow the reasoning.” And I kind of see where they were going. So what is the true meaning of Jane Austen’s novel here, or Shakespeare’s play there, or this novelist or that author? And I can see that there may not be one meaning. Maybe the author meant it as kind of provoking you to think about certain deep issues and you have to find your own meaning in the text. Okay, I can understand that.

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Why you’re probably reading the Bible wrong | Rob Bell

Religious scholar, pastor, and all-around fascinating guy Rob Bell thinks that most everyone teaching religious texts these days is teaching it wrong. It's a lot of parables and metaphors, he posits, and there's no way that people should be reading religious texts like the Bible or the Quran literally. Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Yeah, oftentimes when people talk about sacred texts, for many people the sort of thing that you say to show how serious you are is “Well, you know, we take it literally.” That actually has caused an extraordinary amount of destruction in the world. So I begin with, I try to take it LITERATELY. So if it’s a poem, then it’s a poem. And if it’s a letter, who wrote it, and when did they write it, and who are they writing it to? What was the world like at that time? If it was history but the writer is kind of winking along the way like “This is what I’m really saying,” then you take it with that subtlety and nuance and even humor. So all religious texts have to be interpreted, and the really dangerous thing is when someone says “I’m not giving you my opinion. I’m just telling you what it says.” Because that’s actually their opinion! If you deny human agency it generally leads to some sort of oppression or exploitation. So everything gets way more interesting when you start reading it literately because you then don’t have to do those awkward explanations. One of the greatest examples of this is there’s this ancient story about Jonah who gets swallowed by a fish. Not a whale, a fish. Because that’s what it says in the ancient text. And so the question often becomes a debate on whether or not a guy really got swallowed by a fish. And you have the literalists going “it says he got swallowed by a fish, he got swallowed by a fish.” And then you have the others going “no, it’s a larger metaphor.” But what’s interesting: as the story begins, the Assyrians were the worst neighbors. They were the cruel oppressors who had made life miserable. And so this man Jonah is told go and bless Nineveh, and Nineveh was the capital of Assyria. So the story begins with a man being told “go bless your worst most heinous enemy.” And he doesn’t. He goes the other direction. He runs away, which I think the original audience would have cheered this man Jonah on. “You go the other direction! Whatever you do don’t go bless the person who has made your life a living hell.” So he eventually gets on a boat. There’s a storm and he’s thrown overboard and he’s swallowed by a fish. I think the power of the story is not arguing about whether or not he was swallowed by a fish. I think the story was told to a group of people to confront them with how they cannot forgive their worst enemy. And will the past and the wounds that you have suffered define you and hold you back, or can you forgive? Can you move towards your enemy, not with violence, but with love? Do the things that have happened to us define us, or is there a love that can transcend even this? So this would be a classic example to me where there’s an ancient text and a story where you can in your attempt to defend it literally actually avoid the more interesting questions of the heart that I think are the questions the storyteller is trying to get at. And yes, in our world to this day, taking some of these texts literally has caused so much violence. You read the ancient text. You also use your mind. You listen for what new thing might be happening in the world. You read it as a fully orbed experience, and then it actually gets quite inspiring.

This “Mompreneur" Was SCARED To Start Her Amazon FBA Business 😱 Now She Makes Millions…

FREE AMAZON FBA TRAINING: This “Mompreneur” was SCARED to start her Amazon FBA business. Now she makes millions. Here’s how she did it. While I was at the SellerCon event in Orlando, Florida I had the pleasure of interviewing Charity DeVries, who is a very successful Amazon seller. In 2015, she started her Amazon business, Aroma Outfitters, an essential oil supply company that sells storage and travel cases, diffusers and other products. Today, she has built a million-dollar business selling on Amazon. This “Mompreneur” was SCARED to start her Amazon FBA business. Now she makes millions. For all the stay-at-home Mom’s out there that have a desire to create more freedom in their lives, this is an interview that you don't want to miss! ★☆★ VIEW THE BLOG POST: ★☆★ ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO ME ON YOUTUBE: ★☆★ Subscribe ► ★☆★ FOLLOW ME BELOW: ★☆★ Blog ► Twitter ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► Periscope ► iTunes Podcast ► ★☆★ ABOUT PROJECT LIFE MASTERY: ★☆★ The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel is the place to be for motivational, inspiring, educational, and uplifting self improvement videos. You can also follow for videos about online business, Amazon, and making money online! ★☆★ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: ★☆★ Life Mastery Accelerator ► Online Business Mastery Accelerator ► Morning Ritual Mastery ► Affiliate Marketing Mastery ► Kindle Money Mastery ► 24 Hour Book Program ► Kindle Optimizer ► ★☆★ MERCHANDISE: ★☆★ Mastery Apparel ► ★☆★ RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: ★☆★ If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later.

Larka Aur Larki Ka Muhabbat Kerna | Qasim Ali Shah

In this video, Qasim Ali Shah talking about on the topic "Muhabbat". He is also sharing his experience, wisdom and knowledge that will be helpful for all of those who want to know about love, muhabbat. ===== ABOUT Qasim Ali Shah ===== Qasim Ali Shah is a Public Speaker- Teacher- Writer- Corporate Trainer & Leader for every age group- Businessmen- Corporate executives- Employees- Students- Housewives- Networkers- Sportsmen and for all who wish everlasting Success- Happiness- Peace and Personal Growth. He helps people to change their belief & thought pattern- experience less stress and more success in their lives through better communication- positive thinking and spiritual knowledge. ===== FOLLOW ME ON THE SOCIALS ===== - Qasim Ali Shah: - Google+: - Twitter: - Website : ===== Team Member: Waqas Nasir =====

Going Buddha - 30 Day Meditation Challenge

Embarking on my 30-day journey towards awakening. The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career: Leo Reviews Top 200 Self Help Books Leo's Blog: Forum Contribute subtitles & translations for any video, watch how: Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.

Saturday, 28 April 2018

This Store Will Now Use Completely Unretouched Photos In Beauty Ads And We Are Here For It

CVS takes a socially-conscious step with their new "Beauty in Real Life" campaign featuring unretouched photos. Hannah Cranston and Brooke Thomas talk about what they think of companies using retouched photos and what this move means for CVS. Let us know what you think of current beauty standards and how companies influence them. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: HANNAH ON TWITTER: ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON YOUTUBE:

You Can Get A Snake Massage At A Spa In NYC (VIDEO)

A spa in New York City is offering SNAKE MASSAGE guided by a PRIESTESS. Hannah Cranston and Jason Carter talk about the massage that one customer says is like "a big hug". Let us know if you'd be down for a snake rub down. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: HANNAH ON TWITTER: ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON YOUTUBE:

How VR can show us life, death, and the consequences we’re blind to

What’s it like to not be you? Step into virtual reality and see. Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Danfung Dennis created the four-part docuseries This Is Climate Change in VR to capture what he calls "impossible perspectives". Artistically, how do you invite people into these intense worlds without them removing their headsets and fleeing when things become too confronting? If filmmakers can find a way to balance intensity with awe, VR could reset humanity's empathy and perhaps kill apathy once and for all. Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: So 'Melting Ice' is the first of four in a docuseries, 'This is Climate Change'. I had the privilege to travel to Greenland with Vice President Al Gore and see the landscape through his eyes. And it’s just this majestic, beautiful glacial world, but it’s collapsing in front of you. So we would place our cameras, and I would actually time it to run underneath the glacier, and place the camera and run out before these giant blocks of ice came crashing down. And so the final experience is: you look up and you’re at the base of this glacier and you’re watching these enormous chunks of ice just crash down in front of you. And it’s very different than watching it on a flat screen, it feels, you know, you’re watching it, it’s distant, it’s something a little more abstract. In VR that screen melts away, and you’re in it. You feel like those chunks of ice are coming for you. It sounds like it’s crashing right in front of you and you see this wave of water wash over below where your feet should be. And so it’s a very different experience when you’re feeling and hearing the Earth change at such a rapid pace. We then followed the glacial melt down these wide, two-mile-wide rivers of silt, and it would concentrate down into this one narrow chasm, and I remember standing next to this chasm of water that was just—the incredible intensity of it was so powerful, and feeling very small and realizing just this Earth, that once we unleash the power that is latent within it it is going to be very difficult to reverse it. And so it’s trying to capture these experiential moments of climate change and distill it down to these discrete experiences so that we can understand it like we were actually witnessing it, and take the science and translate it into something that we can embody, that we can feel, and even take a perspective of not even—it’s taking an impossible perspective. And so we used a lot of drone shots to be able to lift you out of your normal everyday height and place you into another perspective to see the world changing as it is so rapidly right now. There is the potential to overwhelm a viewer. This is a very intense medium and if you place people into intense situations they’re going to respond to it. And so it is this balance, I think, of finding experiences that match to someone’s own experience level. And we know that if you put someone into an experience that’s too intense they’ll pull the headset off and have that feeling to flee. And so that isn’t very helpful. We’re really trying to find a balance where you are guiding someone in, you’re leading them in and wanting to have them feel safe and secure so that they can explore this world.

How an Online Business Changed Our Lives with Stefan & Tatiana

MY AMAZING SELLING MACHINE BONUSES: AMAZING SELLING MACHINE: Tatiana and I will be sharing how creating an online business has changed both of our lives. We'll also be answering your questions! ★☆★ VIEW THE BLOG POST: ★☆★ ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO ME ON YOUTUBE: ★☆★ Subscribe ► ★☆★ FOLLOW ME BELOW: ★☆★ Blog ► Twitter ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► Periscope ► iTunes Podcast ► ★☆★ ABOUT PROJECT LIFE MASTERY: ★☆★ The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel is the place to be for motivational, inspiring, educational, and uplifting self improvement videos. You can also follow for videos about online business, Amazon, and making money online! ★☆★ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: ★☆★ Life Mastery Accelerator ► Online Business Mastery Accelerator ► Morning Ritual Mastery ► Affiliate Marketing Mastery ► Kindle Money Mastery ► 24 Hour Book Program ► Kindle Optimizer ► ★☆★ MERCHANDISE: ★☆★ Mastery Apparel ► ★☆★ RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: ★☆★ If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later.

Friday, 27 April 2018

"No Gays, No Way": Amazon Won't Set Up Headquarters In States Without LGBTQ+ Protections

Amazon is asking pointed questions to state officials about LGBTQ protections in preparation for choosing the location for their second headquarters. Hannah Cranston and Jason Carter talk about how Amazon is making big steps to protect ALL of their future employees. Let us know if you think Corporate America should be more socially conscious. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: HANNAH ON TWITTER: ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON YOUTUBE:

Golf Club Called 911 On 5 Black Women...Playing Golf

5 women were arrested for being black at a golf course. Hannah Cranston and Jason Carter break down the incident and what it means for people of color trying to enjoy daily activities without police involvement. Let us know if you think golf is a sport primarily played at a FAST PACE. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: HANNAH ON TWITTER: ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON YOUTUBE:

Hank Azaria Says He's Happy To Step Aside From Simpson's Apu Character

Hank Azaria tells Stephen Colbert during an interview that he's ready to quit voicing Apu. Hannah Cranston and Jason Carter talk about how Azaria's reaction to the controversy surrounding the famed Simpson's character. Let us know what you think of The Simpson's without Apu. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: HANNAH ON TWITTER: ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON YOUTUBE:

Inspiring Couple From Romania Sells $100K Per Month On Amazon

Amazing Selling Machine Bonus: FREE Amazon Training: In this video, I share how an inspiring couple from Romania sells $100k per month on Amazon. While I was at the SellerCon event in Orlando, Florida I had the pleasure of interviewing Peter and Adina, a husband and wife from Romania. I interviewed them one year ago when I attended the Amazing Selling Machine event in Las Vegas. During our conversation, they shared their journey to success, which started with the Amazing Selling Machine (ASM) course. Peter and Adina didn’t even speak English when they started with ASM. They took a leap of faith and did what many people would consider impossible. Their story is proof that anybody has the power to change their life. Are you ready to learn how this inspiring couple from Romania sells $100k per month on Amazon? ★☆★ VIEW THE BLOG POST: ★☆★ ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO ME ON YOUTUBE: ★☆★ Subscribe ► ★☆★ FOLLOW ME BELOW: ★☆★ Blog ► Twitter ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► Periscope ► iTunes Podcast ► ★☆★ ABOUT PROJECT LIFE MASTERY: ★☆★ The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel is the place to be for motivational, inspiring, educational, and uplifting self improvement videos. You can also follow for videos about online business, Amazon, and making money online! ★☆★ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: ★☆★ Life Mastery Accelerator ► Online Business Mastery Accelerator ► Morning Ritual Mastery ► Affiliate Marketing Mastery ► Kindle Money Mastery ► 24 Hour Book Program ► Kindle Optimizer ► ★☆★ MERCHANDISE: ★☆★ Mastery Apparel ► ★☆★ RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: ★☆★ If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

12 Hours Left To Get This FREE BOOK (get it NOW before it's too late!!)

GET OPPORTUNITY BOOK FREE: Eben Pagan is giving away his book for FREE (you just pay the shipping). He's also giving away $197 in FREE BONUSES. This offer expires in less than 12 hours from now - so get it while you still can! I'm also going to do a bonus live training for you if you email your receipt/confirmation to I'll be sharing the biggest opportunities I'm pursuing right now in my life on: online business, investing, cryptocurrency, taxes (and why I'm moving to Panama and setting up in Singapore), health, relationships, etc... OPPORTUNITY is all around us, and there is A LOT MORE coming in the future. This book teaches you how to capitalize on them! GET OPPORTUNITY BOOK FREE: P.S. Everything expires TODAY - so get it right now! ★☆★ VIEW THE BLOG POST: ★☆★ ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO ME ON YOUTUBE: ★☆★ Subscribe ► ★☆★ FOLLOW ME BELOW: ★☆★ Blog ► Twitter ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► Periscope ► iTunes Podcast ► ★☆★ ABOUT PROJECT LIFE MASTERY: ★☆★ The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel is the place to be for motivational, inspiring, educational, and uplifting self improvement videos. You can also follow for videos about online business, Amazon, and making money online! ★☆★ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: ★☆★ Life Mastery Accelerator ► Online Business Mastery Accelerator ► Morning Ritual Mastery ► Affiliate Marketing Mastery ► Kindle Money Mastery ► 24 Hour Book Program ► Kindle Optimizer ► ★☆★ MERCHANDISE: ★☆★ Mastery Apparel ► ★☆★ RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: ★☆★ If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later.

NFL Player Totes Gun To Warn Daughter's Prom Date

A father attempts to joke about gun violence on Twitter and it expectedly backfires big time. Hannah Cranston and Brooke Thomas break down WHY this viral photo is so backwards. Let us know if you think this NFL father is far from funny. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: HANNAH ON TWITTER: ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON YOUTUBE:

This Girl Wanted Spiderman Shoes But They Don't Make Them For Girls

A father challenges Target by tweeting at the company asking why they only sell "boys" Spiderman shoes. Hannah Cranston and Brooke Thomas talk about why products are so gender-centric. Let us know if you think products should be more inclusive for boys AND girls. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: HANNAH ON TWITTER: ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON YOUTUBE:

This "Anxiety Chart" Will Help Others Understand Your Anxiety

Anxiety can come in all forms and affect people in different ways. Hannah Cranston and Brooke Thomas talk about an anxiety chart created to help people identify the degree of their anxiety. Let us know if you find the chart helpful. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: HANNAH ON TWITTER: ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON YOUTUBE:

The death of democracy: Why the radical Left may end up killing what it loves

Evolutionary biologist Heather Heying rose to prominence as a member of the Intellectual Dark Web after she and her husband, Professor Bret Weinstein, spoke out against a planned "Day of Absence" at Evergreen State College, where white students, staff and teachers would vacate campus and only minority students would remain. Their opposition to the event led to accusations of racism and a string of protests, threats, and violence, leading The Seattle Times to call the college a "national caricature of intolerant campus liberalism." Democracy depends on protest, Heying asserts above, but a new strain of unintelligent protest on the Left may damage the very values liberals are trying to protect. "Increasingly we have groups who are claiming to be emerging from this age-old culture of protest who are actually tamping out dissent, who are saying there are things that cannot be said, there are things that cannot be thought, there are research programs that cannot be done," she says. "... But they don’t tend to be armed in the way the extreme Right is, and so it’s easy for people to imagine that they’re not as dangerous—but shutting down dissent, shutting down the ability to discuss ideas, is actually the beginning of the death of democracy." In this video, Heying looks at tribalism and dissent from an evolutionary perspective, and highlights how technology has hijacked our ancient brain to create a more polarized society than ever before. Follow Heather on twitter: @HeatherEHeying and on Medium and through her website, Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Transcript: Society-wide, people are becoming ever more tribal. And tribalism is as old as social groups, which is older than humans. So it’s no surprise that people are looking to find those who sound the most like them, and who they imagine will be the most likely to keep them in their heads when things go wrong. But the way that it’s manifesting is a particularly modern instantiation that I don’t think we’ve seen before. So protest is old and is honorable and is important; we must be allowed, in any system that calls itself democratic, to dissent. Increasingly, we have groups who are claiming to be emerging from this age-old culture of protest who are actually tamping out dissent, who are saying there are things that cannot be said, there are things that cannot be thought, there are research programs that cannot be done, and that’s dangerous, and it comes from a place of fear, and fear is very powerful evolutionarily. It rises to the top of the emotions when it shows up, and it’s hard to get through the fear with an argument that is rational. Emotion and rationality don’t tend to interface with one another very well, and some of the language that we’re hearing from the extremes on both sides of the political spectrum—I’m not sure that calling it a spectrum is really apt, but everyone is familiar with it. So the extremes on the right and on the left are both using fear to further polarize people, and the people on the right, the people on the far right, the extremists on the right are both, I think, a smaller group and better armed and thus in some ways more terrifying, but there are so many fewer of them that they don’t seem to have as much voice in society as the growing numbers of extremists on the left who are using words and increasingly, in the case of some of the groups, violent tactics. But they don’t tend to be armed in the way the extreme right is, and so it’s easy for people to imagine that they’re not as dangerous, but shutting down dissent, shutting down the ability to discuss ideas, is actually the beginning of the death of democracy. So why does it work? It works because since people have been social, which is to say since before people were people, since we were great apes and before that primates that weren’t great apes, and whatever social mammals came before that, we have been splintering into groups and watching out for our own. And it wasn’t just kin groups, it was kin groups and extended family, and then friends and family. But the tribes that we see forming now are able to garner more power because they can use modern technology to move into old, old circuits. So social media can be used to mobilize a group and to enrage a group, to inflame a group, where a town crier 500 years ago or a roving storyteller thousands of years ago might have brought news that would have alarmed a group of townspeople or a village or a hunter-gatherer tribe when they came together in their annual fusion event with lots and lots of tribes together, they might hear something that struck them as dangerous

The Secret To Sexual Attraction 💑 Cultivating Masculine And Feminine Energy

Join Life Mastery Accelerator: In this video, I share why the secret to sexual attraction is polarity. When it comes to sexuality, polarity refers to the attraction or pull that we feel towards someone when they have an energy that is in opposition to our own. We all have a combination of both energies within us, but we all feel more aligned to one over the other. If two people have a similar polarity, guess what happens? Their attraction to one another diminishes. Hence, the secret to sexual attraction is a polarity between partners. Are you ready to learn how you can amplify your masculine or feminine energy and polarize your relationship with your partner? ★☆★ VIEW THE BLOG POST: ★☆★ ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO ME ON YOUTUBE: ★☆★ Subscribe ► ★☆★ FOLLOW ME BELOW: ★☆★ Blog ► Twitter ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► Periscope ► iTunes Podcast ► ★☆★ ABOUT PROJECT LIFE MASTERY: ★☆★ The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel is the place to be for motivational, inspiring, educational, and uplifting self improvement videos. You can also follow for videos about online business, Amazon, and making money online! ★☆★ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: ★☆★ Life Mastery Accelerator ► Online Business Mastery Accelerator ► Morning Ritual Mastery ► Affiliate Marketing Mastery ► Kindle Money Mastery ► 24 Hour Book Program ► Kindle Optimizer ► ★☆★ MERCHANDISE: ★☆★ Mastery Apparel ► ★☆★ RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: ★☆★ If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later.

Ashfaq Ahmed - My Three Favorite Things Of Baba

In this video, Qasim Ali Shah talking about on our legend Ashfaq Ahmed Sahib. He is also sharing his experience, wisdom and knowledge that will be helpful for all of those who want to know about Baba Ashfaq Ahmed. ===== ABOUT Qasim Ali Shah ===== Qasim Ali Shah is a Public Speaker- Teacher- Writer- Corporate Trainer & Leader for every age group- Businessmen- Corporate executives- Employees- Students- Housewives- Networkers- Sportsmen and for all who wish everlasting Success- Happiness- Peace and Personal Growth. He helps people to change their belief & thought pattern- experience less stress and more success in their lives through better communication- positive thinking and spiritual knowledge. ===== FOLLOW ME ON THE SOCIALS ===== - Qasim Ali Shah: - Google+: - Twitter: - Website : ===== Team Member: Waqas Nasir =====

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

The Amazing Selling Machine 9 (ASM9) 🙌 New & Improved 💸 Amazon FBA 2018🎙️Mike McClary

Amazing Selling Machine 9 Bonus: FREE Amazon FBA Training: The Amazing Selling Machine 9 has officially opened its doors! While I was at the SellerCon event in Orlando, Florida I had the opportunity to interview Mike McClary. Mike is one of the co-creators of the Amazing Selling Machine and was the host of the Amazon seller event. The Amazing Selling Machine is a program designed by Matt Clark & Jason Katzenback that has helped thousands of entrepreneurs build highly profitable businesses selling physical products on Amazon. For those of you who are considering joining the Amazing Selling Machine 9 (ASM9) program, this is an information-packed interview that you don’t want to miss! ★☆★ VIEW THE BLOG POST: ★☆★ ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO ME ON YOUTUBE: ★☆★ Subscribe ► ★☆★ FOLLOW ME BELOW: ★☆★ Blog ► Twitter ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► Periscope ► iTunes Podcast ► ★☆★ ABOUT PROJECT LIFE MASTERY: ★☆★ The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel is the place to be for motivational, inspiring, educational, and uplifting self improvement videos. You can also follow for videos about online business, Amazon, and making money online! ★☆★ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: ★☆★ Life Mastery Accelerator ► Online Business Mastery Accelerator ► Morning Ritual Mastery ► Affiliate Marketing Mastery ► Kindle Money Mastery ► 24 Hour Book Program ► Kindle Optimizer ► ★☆★ MERCHANDISE: ★☆★ Mastery Apparel ► ★☆★ RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: ★☆★ If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later.

Why loneliness is a danger to individuals and societies | Andrew Horn

In the last few decades, the number of close friendships in America has dropped. Between 1985 and 2004, the General Social Survey reported that the average number of confidants Americans felt they could talk to about important matters in their lives fell from 2.94 to 2.08. Worse still, 25% of people surveyed responded with "zero". Andrew Horn, CEO and co-founder of Tribute, calls this the connection crisis: "This dearth of relationships is not just making us sad, it’s literally making us sick," he says. "There was a recent meta-analysis of 300,000 patients and it found that having weak social ties was as harmful to your health as being an alcoholic, and twice as harmful as having obesity." To turn this worrying trend around, Horn hopes we can become more intentional about communication. Social skills are foundational to our success, both personal and professional; why don't we teach it in schools at the same time as other core skills like math, science, and English? The benefits go beyond our personal wellbeing; Horn believes it could make society safer. "If you don’t have friends, that is what opens you up for extremism. It’s that when you don’t belong you will do anything to belong," Horn says. Andrew Horn is the CEO and co-founder of Tribute. Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Transcript: The reason that I’m so passionate about conversation and meaningful communication is because of this thing called the connection crisis. And I am not being hyperbolic when I call it a crisis. So AARP did a study in 1970 and they found out that 20 percent of their members identified as being lonely. They did that same study again in 2010, and the number had more than doubled to 45 percent—45 percent of their members that were identifying as lonely. So the General Social Survey came out a few years ago and it found out that the most common response when people were asked, “How many friends do you have?”—wait for it—zero. Zero. That number has tripled over recent decades. Imagine going through life without a single confidant. And this dearth of relationships is not just making us sad, it’s literally making us sick. It is killing us. Because what happens when we have weak social ties? We have increased inflammation; it decreases the body’s natural immune response. There was a recent meta-analysis of 300,000 patients and it found that having weak social ties was as harmful to your health as being an alcoholic, and twice as harmful as having obesity. So these wild things are happening, but so often people are left to their own devices to figure out how to communicate, how to connect. We spend 15 years studying something like social studies and we don’t even spend 15 minutes on social skills. And communication is the fundamental building block of creating these important relationships, which are so important for our personal lives and also our professional success. So that’s why we need to be intentional about communication, because with a little bit of practice and a little bit of focus anyone can connect more deeply with the people they meet and the people they love. And when you think about that, if you don’t have friends that is what opens you up for extremism; it’s that when you don’t belong you will do anything to belong, you know what I mean? So that's why providing frameworks for people to connect is such a vital thing.

My CRAZY Amazing Selling Machine 9 Bonuses 💰$15,249 Value 🆕 ASM9 2018

Get My Amazing Selling Machine Bonuses: I've just put together the best Amazing Selling Machine bonus package for the new ASM9 worth $15,249 in value, that I want to give to you for FREE as a bonus when you join the Amazing Selling Machine through me. These Amazing Selling Machine bonuses include personal coaching with myself, Stefan James, as well as a done-for-you ecommerce website, funnel, and a lot more! Every bonus has a purpose in helping you build your own Amazon business from scratch. Everything compliments the Amazing Selling Machine training that you'll be going through. To learn more about my ASM bonuses and claim them, go here: ★☆★ VIEW THE BLOG POST: ★☆★ ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO ME ON YOUTUBE: ★☆★ Subscribe ► ★☆★ FOLLOW ME BELOW: ★☆★ Blog ► Twitter ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► Periscope ► iTunes Podcast ► ★☆★ ABOUT PROJECT LIFE MASTERY: ★☆★ The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel is the place to be for motivational, inspiring, educational, and uplifting self improvement videos. You can also follow for videos about online business, Amazon, and making money online! ★☆★ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: ★☆★ Life Mastery Accelerator ► Online Business Mastery Accelerator ► Morning Ritual Mastery ► Affiliate Marketing Mastery ► Kindle Money Mastery ► 24 Hour Book Program ► Kindle Optimizer ► ★☆★ MERCHANDISE: ★☆★ Mastery Apparel ► ★☆★ RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: ★☆★ If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Would companies be more diverse if A.I. did the hiring? | Joanna Bryson

The best hiring manager might just be the computer sitting on your desk. AI and ethics expert Joanna Bryson posits that artificial intelligence can go through all the resumes in a stack and find what employers are missing. Most humans, on the other hand, will rely on biases — whether they are aware of them or not — to get them through the selection process. This is sadly why those with European-sounding names get more calls for interviews than others. AI, she says, can change that. Joanna is brought to you today by Amway. Amway believes that ​diversity and inclusion ​are ​essential ​to the ​growth ​and ​prosperity ​of ​today’s ​companies. When woven ​into ​every ​aspect ​of ​the talent ​life ​cycle, companies committed to diversity and inclusion are ​the ​best ​equipped ​to ​innovate, ​improve ​brand image ​and ​drive ​performance. Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Transcript: Can AI remove implicit bias from the hiring process? “Remove”, entirely remove? No. But as I understand I've had multiple people tell me that it's already reducing the impact of implicit bias, so they're already happy with what they're seeing. So what is implicit bias, first of all? It's important to understand that implicit bias and explicit bias are two different things. Implicit bias is stuff that you're not conscious of; you're not aware of it; it's hard for you to control; it's probably impossible for you to control. It's impossible for you to control, right now, on demand. You might be able to alter it by exposing yourself to different situations or whatever and changing what we in machine learning call priors—so changing your experiences. So maybe if you see more women in senior positions you'll become less implicitly sexist, or something like that. But anyway, explicit bias is like “I’m going to choose to only work with women” or “I’m going to choose only to work with men” and I know that and I'm conscious about it. So HR departments are reasonably good at getting people who hopefully honestly are saying “yeah I'm not going to be racist or sexist or whatever-ist, I'm not going to worry about how long somebody's name is or what the country of origin of someone of their ancestors is.” So hopefully HR people can spot the people who sincerely are neutral, at least at the explicit level. But at the implicit level, there's a lot of evidence that something else might be going on. Again, we don't know for sure if it's implicit or explicit, but what we do know is that in the paper we did in 2017 one of my co-authors Aylin Caliskan had this brilliant idea of looking at the resume data. So there's this famous study that showed that you have identical resumes and the only thing you do is have more African-American names versus European American names, and the people with European American names get 50 percent more calls in to interview with nothing else changed. And so now people are talking about “whitening” their CVs just so they get that chance to interview. So anyway, it looks by the measures that we used with the vector spaces as if the data and the implicit bias that also explains implicit bias also explains those choices on the resume. So does that mean people are looking at it and explicitly saying, “Oh I think that's an African-American?” Or were they just going through huge stacks of CVs and some didn't jump out at them in the same ways that others did? Because we're pretty sure when it comes down to like they're all sitting in the room together that that point was okay. And so what the AI is doing for them is it's helping them pick out the characteristics they're looking for and ignoring the other characteristics. So they're helping them detect the things that they wanted to be: when they were sitting in the room with multiple eyes looking at something, that they were looking at the right starting place and then they're able to find - they're finding people that were falling through the cracks. A lot of people have trouble, that there's not enough good people applying or that they thought there weren't enough good people applying, but actually, they were missing people because they didn't see the qualifications buried in the other stuff when they're leafing through these stacks. So a lot of people are reporting that they have great data or they're very pleased with the results, but that's privately and it's off the record and I can't get anyone to go on the record.

Alexa Is A Game-Changer For The Blind

Amazon's Alexa helped a blind man connect with his loved ones with ease that demonstrates the many uses this technology has. Hannah Cranston and Jason Carter talk about Alexa and other "smart" technologies that can help people with disabilities. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: HANNAH ON TWITTER: ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON YOUTUBE:

Is It Anti-Feminist To Stay With A Man Who Cheats On You?

After finding out that your man cheated on you an unknown amount of times days before you're about to give birth, staying in the relationship suddenly becomes an impossible decision to make. Hannah Cranston and Jason Carter discuss feminism and its role in women's relationship decisions. Let us know what YOU would do if you were in Khloe Kardashian's shoes. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: HANNAH ON TWITTER: ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON YOUTUBE:

The Extraordinary Power Of Beliefs (Law Of Attraction)

Join Life Mastery Accelerator: In this video, I talk about the extraordinary power of beliefs. Becoming aware of your core beliefs is the first step in achieving your goals and dreams in life. The Law of Attraction states that you create your own reality, which is why it is so important to pay attention to what is happening in your inner world. In the words of Abraham Hicks, “That which you think in any moment, attracts unto itself other thoughts that are like it.” Believing in yourself is the foundation for success. The beauty of choice is that you get to decide what you want to believe. It is your right as a human being. Are you ready to learn how you can leverage the extraordinary power of beliefs? ★☆★ VIEW THE BLOG POST: ★☆★ ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO ME ON YOUTUBE: ★☆★ Subscribe ► ★☆★ FOLLOW ME BELOW: ★☆★ Blog ► Twitter ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► Periscope ► iTunes Podcast ► ★☆★ ABOUT PROJECT LIFE MASTERY: ★☆★ The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel is the place to be for motivational, inspiring, educational, and uplifting self improvement videos. You can also follow for videos about online business, Amazon, and making money online! ★☆★ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: ★☆★ Life Mastery Accelerator ► Online Business Mastery Accelerator ► Morning Ritual Mastery ► Affiliate Marketing Mastery ► Kindle Money Mastery ► 24 Hour Book Program ► Kindle Optimizer ► ★☆★ MERCHANDISE: ★☆★ Mastery Apparel ► ★☆★ RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: ★☆★ If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later.

Aurat Zaat Ka Mazboot Na Hona | Qasim Ali Shah

In this video, Qasim Ali Shah talking about on the topic "Women empowerment". He is also sharing his experience, wisdom and knowledge that will be helpful for all of those who want to know about this topic. ===== ABOUT Qasim Ali Shah ===== Qasim Ali Shah is a Public Speaker- Teacher- Writer- Corporate Trainer & Leader for every age group- Businessmen- Corporate executives- Employees- Students- Housewives- Networkers- Sportsmen and for all who wish everlasting Success- Happiness- Peace and Personal Growth. He helps people to change their belief & thought pattern- experience less stress and more success in their lives through better communication- positive thinking and spiritual knowledge. ===== FOLLOW ME ON THE SOCIALS ===== - Qasim Ali Shah: - Google+: - Twitter: - Website : ===== Team Member: Waqas Nasir =====

Monday, 23 April 2018

This Woman Wants To Be The First Trans Victoria's Secret Model

Leyna Bloom is vying for her Victoria's Secret Angel Wings by being the first transgender model of color to walk the lingerie line's catwalk. Hannah Cranston and Jason Carter talk about how the VS Fashion Show NEEDS a trans POC model. Let us know if you think Leyna should strut her self down the catwalk.

Most Women Hate Trump, But Not As Many As You'd Think (POLL)

Although the majority of women disapprove of Trump, there are a striking number of those that do. Hannah Cranston and Jason Carter talk about Trumps approval rating between genders and race. Let us know if what you think of Trump.

Should We Lower The Voting Age To 16?

Parkland school shooting survivors have broken the glass ceiling in regards to young voices influencing politics. Hannah Cranston and Jason Carter talk about the pros and cons of potentially lowering the voting age to 16. Let us know if you think the voting age should be lowered. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: HANNAH ON TWITTER: ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON YOUTUBE:

From ROCK BOTTOM To AMAZON MILLIONAIRE 💰 Coached By Shark Tank’s Barbara Corcoran

FREE Amazon FBA Training: Paul Baron went from ROCK BOTTOM to AMAZON MILLIONAIRE. Paul is the co-founder of Physical Product Pros, a group of successful Amazon sellers that coach and mentor people about the tips and techniques that are working on Amazon, right now. While I was at SellerCon event in Orlando, Florida I had the pleasure of interviewing him about his journey to success, and how Amazon has changed his life forever. In the words of Ryan Blair, “When you have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain.” That is the exact mindset that Paul Baron adopted when he started selling on Amazon. He is proof that you can go from ROCK BOTTOM to AMAZON MILLIONAIRE. Are you ready to learn how he did it? ★☆★ VIEW THE BLOG POST: ★☆★ ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO ME ON YOUTUBE: ★☆★ Subscribe ► ★☆★ FOLLOW ME BELOW: ★☆★ Blog ► Twitter ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► Periscope ► iTunes Podcast ► ★☆★ ABOUT PROJECT LIFE MASTERY: ★☆★ The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel is the place to be for motivational, inspiring, educational, and uplifting self improvement videos. You can also follow for videos about online business, Amazon, and making money online! ★☆★ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: ★☆★ Life Mastery Accelerator ► Online Business Mastery Accelerator ► Morning Ritual Mastery ► Affiliate Marketing Mastery ► Kindle Money Mastery ► 24 Hour Book Program ► Kindle Optimizer ► ★☆★ MERCHANDISE: ★☆★ Mastery Apparel ► ★☆★ RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: ★☆★ If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later.

Shot by a disgruntled employee, I discovered the heroism of ordinary people. | Dennis Charney

As one of the world's leading experts in neurobiology, Dennis Charney had been studying trauma victims for years before becoming one himself. He was shot at a relatively close range outside a deli by a disgruntled former employee, who was eventually apprehended. But Dennis reckons that he learned more about resiliency in that experience than he ever did on the job, as he was able to see at people at the deli turn from strangers into a fully fledged support unit, willing to fight for the forces of good and right his wrong. It's a powerful story. Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: I was the victim of a violent crime. In August of 2016 I was coming out of a local deli in Chappaqua, New York, where I live, and I was walking out with a bagel and ice coffee, which was my regular routine, turned toward my car and all of a sudden I heard a loud boom, looked at my shoulder and saw blood gushing out. It turned out I was hit by a shotgun from an assailant that I didn’t immediately recognize, because I just mainly paid attention to save my life and ran back into the deli where I was helped by local customers and folks who worked at the deli to make sure that the assailant was not going to come into the restaurant to hurt me and maybe other people. What I initially did was do back of the envelope assessment of whether I was going to live or not. In fact, there was a customer right next to me and he said I’m going to be all right. And I was thinking wait a second, he’s not a doctor. How does he know? But I said to myself, “I’m a doctor.” And so I thought to myself well I didn’t pass out; I still could think okay; I felt that perhaps the pellets, and I ended up being shot with 15 pellets that had missed vital organs because I wasn’t passing out. So I had some confidence immediately after I was shot that I was going to live. And shortly thereafter the police arrived and arrested the assailant. Then a local ambulance, a volunteer ambulance came and took me to the Westchester Medical Center, which had a trauma center, where I was evaluated and found that I was going to live. But there were several episodes that were part of that initial event that I will never forget. One was the heroism of ordinary people who happened to be in the deli that day: some who ran toward the assailant to make sure he was not going to get away and he was not going to come into the deli. Others called the police and the ambulance right away. And then when the police came they showed courage going out to arrest the assailant who had a shotgun. I’ll never forget that day. And then it turns out when I was taken to the hospital and I was evaluated and I want to get to Mount Sinai where I’m the Dean, as soon as it was safe, as I was about to be transferred my son, who is a doctor, was waiting outside my door with a police officer, Officer Davenport. We didn’t know who he was, but it turned out he was a local Newcastle police officer who happened to be off-duty heard about the shooting, came to the trauma center in Westchester Medical Center with the idea that he was going to prevent any further violence upon me and my family. And he said to my son, “I just wish I was there to take the bullets.” This is a man that didn’t know me, didn’t know my family, was a hero and he’s somebody that I will never forget. And then I was taken to Mount Sinai where I was admitted to the intensive care unit and that’s when the process of recovery started. When I was in the bed at the Westchester Medical Center’s trauma center I started to think, “Who would want to shoot me?” And I started thinking back and then it occurred to me that maybe there was a disgruntled faculty member that we, Mount Sinai, had terminated about six or seven years before that he had been found guilty of scientific misconduct and that led to the termination. I had no contact with that individual for six/seven years, actually, I barely knew him when he was at Mount Sinai, but I was thinking is it possible that it was him? And it turned out that that was the person who shot me.

Sunday, 22 April 2018

5 Men-Only Problems Women Will Never Experience

Although it's hard to believe, there are problems that women will NEVER know that men MIGHT. Hannah Cranston and Jason Carter break down 5 things that Ygritte would never claim she knows more about than Jon Snow. Let us know what issues you know women can never experience that man can. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: HANNAH ON TWITTER: ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON YOUTUBE:

Coachella Is Run By Anti-Gay, Anti-Abortion, Pro-Gun A**hole

Philip Anschutz is a Republican billionaire that supports guns, anti-abortion policies and anti-gay legislation... and also owns Coachella. Hannah Cranston and Jason Carter talk about where the billionaire owners' money goes. Let us know if you participated in a Coachella boycott. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: HANNAH ON TWITTER: ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON YOUTUBE:

How Spanish, not English, was nearly the world's language | John Lewis Gladdis

Want to know the reason North America speaks English and not Spanish? It all boils down to a single day in the English Channel in August of 1588, says Yale University history professor John Lewis Gaddis. The Spanish Armada was cleverly chased out of British waters by a rag-tag British fleet that set old ships on fire and pointed them right at the anchored Spanish fleet, causing the Spaniards to cut anchor and flee. Because of the way the wind was blowing, the Spanish ships had to sail all the way around the British Isles (about 2,000 nautical miles) to get home and were soundly defeated. Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: I think the favorite lesson that I like to teach is the Spanish Armada in 1588, sent there by King Philip II of Spain, and the defense against the Spanish Armada led by Queen Elizabeth I, and what happened to the Spanish Armada in that situation. The reason I like to teach it is because Spain was the global superpower in that period. Spain had conquered almost the entire new world. Britain had not—England as it was at that time—had not even begun to develop colonies. And the issue, of course, was Catholicism, and was Catholicism going to be brought back to England after it had been kicked out by Elizabeth’s father Henry VIII. So this was what led Philip (believing that he was an agent of the Almighty) to send this largest of all naval forces north into the English Channel as a launch pad for the reconquest by Catholicism of England. And that’s August of 1588. Elizabeth’s strategy was not to attempt to directly confront that fleet, because she didn’t have a fleet that was capable of doing that. She certainly could not have confronted directly a Spanish army because she had virtually no army of her own.But she is thinking in terms of geography. She’s thinking in terms of what direction the winds blow in normally in the English Channel. And she saw that if she just allowed the Spanish fleet to advance slowly up the English Channel—which it had to do because it was cumbersome—with a few English ships pursuing it and then pick them off as they pursue, and then as they got up to the border of what’s now Belgium and France (where they were going to disembark their troops) realized that taking advantage of the winds, if you just set a few old English ships on fire with explosives on them and send them into the middle of this huge Spanish fleet, that’s going to cause terror and that in itself will be enough to defeat the Spanish. So it’s all happening on one evening with the winds in the right direction with eight ships used, and the Spanish completely panicked to the extent of cutting their own anchor cables so more than 100 ships self-destructed in terms of losing control of the ability to navigate. The only thing they could do then was to flee, but because of the winds, they had to flee around all of England, around Scotland, down the Irish coast. And by the time they staggered back into Spain they were profoundly depleted. That’s the turning point. That’s the moment at which it can be said the Spanish Empire reached its high point and then started descending. And it’s also the moment at which we can say the English began to become very gradually a superpower. And I’m fascinated by the fact that it all can be reduced to a single night in the English Channel, and to the direction in which the winds blew. So that testifies to the importance of seizing the moment. It testifies to the importance of not micromanaging but macromanaging in the sense of delegating authority to the experts, in this case, her own sea captains. Trusting them to do the right thing. Trusting them to take advantage of spontaneous moments. They didn’t have time to consult Elizabeth about the fire ships. They didn’t have time to wonder if they sacrificed eight ships, will she get mad and cut off their heads? They figured no, it’s unlikely because she’s a strategist herself. She will understand what that sacrifice achieved. And, of course, that’s what happened. So it’s her great triumph. It’s Spain’s great failure, and you can argue it leads to the development of North America by the British and to the fact that we are sitting here speaking English and not Spanish now.

This “Mompreneur” With 4 Kids Sold $3.7 Million💰On Amazon FBA Last Year

FREE Amazon FBA Training: I recently attended a 3-day Amazon seller event in Orlando Florida called SellerCon. While I was there, I got the opportunity to interview Christine Krogue, who was one of the speakers at the event. This "mompreneur" with 4 kids sold $3.7 million on Amazon FBA last year. Under her online brand, Momma Moon Boutique, she creates and manufactures products, like Baby Undersocks, Smart Sheep Wool Dryer Balls, Penguin Pillow Mat, and many more. She started selling these products based on the real-life needs of her and her 4 kids. As a result of her massive success, she is now a feature success story on Amazon. If this "mompreneur" with 4 kids sold $3.7 million on Amazon FBA last year, so can you! This is an inspirational interview that you don’t want to miss. ★☆★ VIEW THE BLOG POST: ★☆★ ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO ME ON YOUTUBE: ★☆★ Subscribe ► ★☆★ FOLLOW ME BELOW: ★☆★ Blog ► Twitter ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► Periscope ► iTunes Podcast ► ★☆★ ABOUT PROJECT LIFE MASTERY: ★☆★ The Project Life Mastery YouTube channel is the place to be for motivational, inspiring, educational, and uplifting self improvement videos. You can also follow for videos about online business, Amazon, and making money online! ★☆★ MY PRODUCTS & COURSES: ★☆★ Life Mastery Accelerator ► Online Business Mastery Accelerator ► Morning Ritual Mastery ► Affiliate Marketing Mastery ► Kindle Money Mastery ► 24 Hour Book Program ► Kindle Optimizer ► ★☆★ MERCHANDISE: ★☆★ Mastery Apparel ► ★☆★ RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: ★☆★ If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later.

Saturday, 21 April 2018

NYC Will Finally House Inmates According To Their Gender Identity

Transgender inmates in NYC will now be allowed to go to the prison that corresponds to the gender they identify with. Hannah Cranston and Brooke Thomas talk about what NYC aims to achieve by taking care of their transgender citizens. Let us know how you think this move will benefit NYC. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: HANNAH ON TWITTER: ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON YOUTUBE:

Trump Doesn't Want Women Fleeing Domestic Violence To Seek Asylum In The US

The Trump Administration attempted to block abused women seeking asylum from war-torn countries acceptance into the United States. Hannah Cranston and Jason Carter talk about how Jeff Sessions led the charge against refugee women. Let us know your thoughts on automatic asylum are for abused women. Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions expose amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12 pm Eastern/9am Pacific! SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! Keep up to date with Hannah Cranston ON FACEBOOK: HANNAH: ON TWITTER: HANNAH ON TWITTER: ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON INSTAGRAM: HANNAH ON YOUTUBE:

Why every mother should get 6 months paid leave from work | Lauren Smith Brody

Three not-so-trivial reasons America needs paid parental leave? Happiness, health, and productivity, says Lauren Smith Brody, founder of The Fifth Trimester. Of the 18 top-performing economies in the world, the United States is the only country that does not allow guaranteed paid leave, and it's ranked in the bottom 10 of 193 UN member states. "When you look at the science of what a good parental leave looks like, it is six months of paid leave," says Smith Brody. Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: The United States ranks dead last in the world in terms of the support that it gives new parents after having a baby. It’s just fact. Of the top 18 economies in the world, the United States is the only country that does not allow for any paid leave at all. So we do have unpaid leave, which is a little bit of a misnomer. People think, “Oh, well you can get parental leave. If you’re a dad or a mom you can take time.” Well, you can if you can afford it. First of all, only 56 percent of American workers qualify for FMLA because of the stipulations. You have to be at a company that has 50 employees. You have to have worked full time for a year. You have to be working within a certain radius of your company’s home base. So that automatically disqualifies a lot of people. But then when you look at who can actually afford to take 12 weeks of unpaid leave per child, the numbers go down even further. And what you end up with is that 25 percent of new American mothers go back to work less than two weeks after having had a baby, which is just so markedly different from how it is in the rest of the world. And I think a lot of people think, erroneously, that it would be really costly for our country to have some sort of paid leave program, but when you look at the other top performing economies in the world, these other countries that have—first of all, they have parity between moms and dads. They have the same leave for adoptive parents. They have all kinds of things that just make this about actually helping produce the next generation in a way that will make that generation go on to also support the economy. So in Norway—Norway is consistently ranked as the happiest country in the world. Wonderful. That makes sense. They have almost a year of paid leave. Moms and dads are allowed to share it. It sounds great. But when you look at the economy, they are also the top producing—their GDP is the highest per capita of any top economic country in the world. It’s kind of amazing. And on top of that, they have more moms who work than any country in the world. They also have more moms who work full time, which is a really important distinction. It’s not just that they have, you know, mothers really involved in the workplace. They have mothers who are REALLY involved in the workplace, are also incredibly happy, have also taken this time away from their jobs. And somehow the economy is still moving forward at a good clip. This is so far away from what we have in the United States, it’s almost—it’s sad, but it’s almost laughable The women I interviewed told me that they felt better, kind of more back to normal physically at about the 5.5-month mark after having a baby. And I was careful to define that as not necessarily back in your pre-pregnancy jeans, that’s not what I meant. It’s really more about feeling comfortable in your skin. So that’s the 5.5 month mark on average for all these women. And these were women who had all approaches to career and motherhood. There were single moms, adoptive moms, there were mothers who worked in hourly wage working jobs and more professional jobs, really as broad a spectrum of approaches as I could find. These women reported feeling back to normal physically after 5.5 months. Emotionally, it was actually a little longer, it was 5.8 months, which is really interesting because when you look at the science of what a good parental leave looks like, it is six months of paid leave because, according to the research that's been done, six months is the point at which a mother is much less likely to suffer from a postpartum mood disorder or anxiety disorder. That is also: six months of paid leave is the protective amount for baby’s health. And babies who have had mothers who have been able to take that amount of leave paid are much more likely to be vaccinated on time, are actually less likely to have ear infections and respiratory infections, it’s been shown—which sounds really specific, but it is actually due to their mother’s ability to breastfeed longer which—and I’m very much of a “fed is best” kind of person, however you feed your baby, great, I just want you to be able to make the choices that are best for you.