Tuesday 31 August 2021

What is Real Success & Happiness? Qasim Ali Shah Talk on Success & Happiness

https://ift.tt/2R3s86g To Get Updated with New Lectures, Sessions and Videos Fill the Form. اصل کامیابی کیا ہے اور کامیابی کا تصور ہے کیا؟ کیا صرف ظاہری دولت یا شہرت ہی کامیابی ہے؟ جانیے ہمیں کامیابی کو کیسے جانچنا چاہئے؟ Qasim Ali Shah session about How to measure our life and how we can measure the success. Qasim Ali Shah is not just a Motivational Speaker but an enthusiastic doer. He followed his passions and proved his self a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Teacher, Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and a Transformational Trainer. Follow Us On Social Media : https://ift.tt/1HAPumV https://ift.tt/3boEkpZ https://twitter.com/Official_QAS https://twitter.com/qasfoundation https://ift.tt/2Wqt4p2 https://ift.tt/2Wqeei1 https://ift.tt/35QV7Ro https://ift.tt/2YTR716 https://ift.tt/2WpbS37 https://ift.tt/2Z7PwVJ

Saturday 28 August 2021

Learn the Art of Hospitality - Qasim Ali Shah Talk with CEO COTHM

https://ift.tt/2R3s86g To Get Updated with New Lectures, Sessions and Videos Fill the Form. Qasim Ali Shah discussing with Ahmed Shafiq CEO COTHM about the importance of "Art of Hospitality" and why it is important to lear this art. Qasim Ali Shah is not just a Motivational Speaker but an enthusiastic doer. He followed his passions and proved his self a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Teacher, Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and a Transformational Trainer. Follow Us On Social Media : https://ift.tt/1HAPumV https://ift.tt/3boEkpZ https://twitter.com/Official_QAS https://twitter.com/qasfoundation https://ift.tt/2Wqt4p2 https://soundcloud.com/qasimali-shah-169385596 https://tune.pk/user/Qasimalishah https://tune.pk/user/qasfoundation https://ift.tt/2WpbS37 https://ift.tt/2Z7PwVJ

Thursday 26 August 2021

Allah Kay Name ki Tasbeeh - Baba Irfan ul Haq with Qasim Ali Shah

https://ift.tt/2R3s86g To Get Updated with New Lectures, Sessions and Videos Fill the Form. Qasim Ali Shah is not just a Motivational Speaker but an enthusiastic doer. He followed his passions and proved his self a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Teacher, Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and a Transformational Trainer. Follow Us On Social Media : https://ift.tt/1HAPumV https://ift.tt/3boEkpZ https://twitter.com/Official_QAS https://twitter.com/qasfoundation https://ift.tt/2Wqt4p2 https://ift.tt/2Wqeei1 https://ift.tt/35QV7Ro https://ift.tt/2YTR716 https://ift.tt/2WpbS37 https://ift.tt/2Z7PwVJ

Wednesday 25 August 2021

How to Be Happy in Life?

https://ift.tt/2R3s86g To Get Updated with New Lectures, Sessions and Videos Fill the Form. Qasim Ali Shah is not just a Motivational Speaker but an enthusiastic doer. He followed his passions and proved his self a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Teacher, Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and a Transformational Trainer. Follow Us On Social Media : https://ift.tt/1HAPumV https://ift.tt/3boEkpZ https://twitter.com/QasimAliShah_ https://twitter.com/qasfoundation https://ift.tt/2Wqt4p2 https://ift.tt/2Wqeei1 https://ift.tt/35QV7Ro https://ift.tt/2YTR716 https://ift.tt/2WpbS37 https://ift.tt/2Z7PwVJ

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Qasim Ali Shah Motivational Talk

https://ift.tt/2R3s86g To Get Updated with New Lectures, Sessions and Videos Fill the Form. Qasim Ali Shah is not just a Motivational Speaker but an enthusiastic doer. He followed his passions and proved his self a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Teacher, Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and a Transformational Trainer. Follow Us On Social Media : https://ift.tt/1HAPumV https://ift.tt/3boEkpZ https://twitter.com/QasimAliShah_ https://twitter.com/qasfoundation https://ift.tt/2Wqt4p2 https://ift.tt/2Wqeei1 https://ift.tt/35QV7Ro https://ift.tt/2YTR716 https://ift.tt/2WpbS37 https://ift.tt/2Z7PwVJ

3 brain hacks to control your Amazon addiction (from a neuroscientist)

3 brain hacks to control your Amazon addiction Watch the newest video from Big Think: https://bigth.ink/NewVideo Learn skills from the world's top minds at Big Think Edge: https://bigth.ink/Edge ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “From the evolutionary perspective, the human brain evolved to feel first and think later,” says neuroscientist and marketing consultant Terry Wu. The part of our brain that controls emotions (the limbic system) and the part that deals with rational thought (the frontal cortex) can send conflicting signals, which leads to bad decision-making. Stress, easy access to online shopping platforms, and other factors cause the limbic system to overtake the frontal cortex as we seek instant gratification. Retailers cater to our emotional brain so that we shop more, but there are ways to resist the manipulation. “The important thing is to create some barriers between our desire to shop and shopping,“ says Wu, who suggests establishing designating shopping days, using physical activity to lower stress, and seeking support from friends. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSCRIPT: TERRY WU: The human brain is not a thinking machine that feels, it's a feeling machine that thinks. Humans have this innate desire to seek a sense of control. Driven by our strong emotions, we stop making rational decisions when it comes to buying. We buy products simply because we want to gain a sense of control. At the same time, our innate desire to seek instant gratification drives us to buy more and more. NARRATOR: How can we resist being manipulated into spending? WU: With neuromarketing, we can understand how our emotions, feelings, and intuition shape our buying decisions. Money can bring joy, security, excitement, and satisfaction. At the same time, money can bring worry, jealousy, resentment, and anxiety. NARRATOR: And what really drives our need to shop? This is Your Brain on Money. This is Terry Wu. He's a neuroscientist and a marketing consultant, and he wants people to understand the irrational forces driving their spending habits. WU: From the evolutionary perspective, the human brain evolved to feel first and think later. The emotional brain is called the limbic system. It's responsible for all our emotions like joy, happiness, anger, fear, and anxiety. The rational brain is called the frontal cortex; it is heavily involved in reason and logic. Sometimes these two systems conflict with each other, and our decisions are the results of a complex interaction. NARRATOR: At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Americans stockpiled toilet paper, but not because it had anything to do with keeping them safe. WU: Buying toilet paper was a simple coping mechanism for people to deal with their stress. While under stress, the frontal cortex stops functioning at full capacity. Our emotional brain kicks into a higher gear; it overpowers our rational thinking, we feel like we're losing a sense of control. We have difficulty in controlling our impulses and delay our gratification. We stop making rational decisions when it comes to buying. NARRATOR: The miracle of modern abundance means more human beings have near-instant access to affordable products than in any other time in the history of the world. WU: With online shopping available 24/7, it's very tempting to shop online all the time, and to seek that instant gratification and to seek that instant reward. We think Amazon is in the retail business, but in reality Amazon is in the instant gratification business. The human brain was not evolved to interact with a computer screen, the human brain was evolved to interact with other humans. NARRATOR: Shopping is often easy and cheap. It makes sense that human neuropsychology might not be prepared to effectively navigate the constant deluge of social media shopping ads and one-click purchase buttons. WU: Many companies subtly use crowd influence to nudge us to buy products.Imagine you try to buy a microphone for your computer. Amazon helps you make that decision by showing you the best sellers, the Amazon's choice, and those products that have the highest ratings. So Amazon pretty much has made that decision for you before you even went to Amazon. NARRATOR: We often use credit cards when shopping online, which means there's a disconnect between our present self that gets to enjoy the new item and our future self who has to deal with the consequences. WU: Credit card companies and loan companies know this very well. They intentionally disconnect the present self and the future self. When we spend money with cash, we can feel that money is leaving us. This is why spending money with a credit card we tend to spend more simply because we don't feel the pain of paying. Companies... To read the full transcript, please visit bigthink.com/singleton/spending-habits

Monday 23 August 2021

Teesra Janam Book Review By Qasim Ali Shah

https://ift.tt/2R3s86g To Get Updated with New Lectures, Sessions and Videos Fill the Form. Qasim Ali Shah is not just a Motivational Speaker but an enthusiastic doer. He followed his passions and proved his self a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Teacher, Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and a Transformational Trainer. Follow Us On Social Media : https://ift.tt/1HAPumV https://ift.tt/3boEkpZ https://twitter.com/QasimAliShah_ https://twitter.com/qasfoundation https://ift.tt/2Wqt4p2 https://ift.tt/2Wqeei1 https://ift.tt/35QV7Ro https://ift.tt/2YTR716 https://ift.tt/2WpbS37 https://ift.tt/2Z7PwVJ

Sunday 22 August 2021

Isolating carbon from ashes to create diamonds

Isolating carbon from ashes to create diamonds Watch the newest video from Big Think: https://bigth.ink/NewVideo Learn skills from the world's top minds at Big Think Edge: https://bigth.ink/Edge ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eterneva is setting out to change the way we grieve loss — by turning ashes into diamonds. With its unique cremation diamonds, Eterneva is creating a new way to carry the memory of our loved ones with us long after their death. Transforming their customers’ loved ones from ashes to diamonds consists of an intricate seven stage process. Once the company has received the ashes, its team gets to work isolating carbon from other elements found in the ashes. Once the carbon is fully extracted, the resulting carbon graphite powder is placed into a machine that can replicate growing conditions found under the earth. Through intense heat and pressure, over time the carbon crystalizes and begins to turn into a raw diamond For people grieving the death of a loved one, a memorial diamond can serve as a constant reminder of the beauty of a life once lived. It not only helps keep positive memories alive for longer, but can be passed down through generations to enrich one’s connection to their family history. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSCRIPT: ​ETERNEVA CLIENT: This is my mom, and the diamond was made from her ashes. NARRATOR: This is a story about a radical death care company called Eterneva. With backing from Mark Cuban, Eterneva is turning people's lost loved ones into diamonds. CLIENT: Wow! Welcome home, honey. ADELLE ARCHER: The way people react when they hear about this, it was either like, "This is the most amazing and incredible idea I've ever heard," or like "I don't know, this is kind of weird." NARRATOR: They believe that America's cultural response to loss is broken, leaving people without rituals to help them heal. ADELLE: Grief is an experience we're all gonna go through. It's one of the most shared human experiences there is, and yet it's governed by just tradition and obligation. That's doing more harm than good. And so we have to overcome every obstacle because the cost of our mission not being seen out is too high. PRODUCER: There's a slight lag. If I step on you at all, I apologize. I'm not trying to cut you off. There's just a little bit of a lag. ADELLE: I'm literally fundraising right now, and all VCs do is cut you off, so I'm very used to it. This is one of our machines. This one is under pressure. So we are currently actively growing a diamond right now. At these stations... NARRATOR: Adelle Archer is the co-founder and CEO of Eterneva, and she's on a mission to transform the way that we grieve. After completing her MBA, Adelle got the idea for Eterneva in 2015 after losing her good friend and mentor, Tracey. ADELLE: When Tracey passed, she actually had her ashes split between three of us. And she was just like, "Hey, go do something meaningful that you think both of us would really like." So we started doing a ton of research. Everything felt really like trinket-y and cheap and transactional. And nothing kind of really spoke to me. NARRATOR: But then Adelle had a conversation with a diamond scientist. ADELLE: He's like, "Well, if we can get the carbon out of Tracey's ashes I think we could grow you a diamond." And I mean, as soon as he said it, I was like, "This is the idea. This is the thing that I'm meant to work on." She was the first diamond that we ever made. This is her black diamond. I wear it every single day. ETERNEVA STAFF: I'm so excited to introduce y'all to Peggy. We are growing two beautiful diamonds, one for her daughter, Laurie and another for her grandson, Alex. ETERNEVA TEAM: Yay, Peggy! GARRETT OZAR: Any time you start a company it's like a huge rollercoaster. One of the challenging things about starting Eterneva was just, it was so unknown in so many different ways. I mean what we do has so much pressure, you know? We're handling someone's most valuable possession basically. And you have this incredibly difficult thing to do which is growing a diamond from carbon. ADELLE: In the beginning when we started, this was a crazy supply chain to set up. A lot of these scientists don't even exist in the United States. We were hunting down scientists internationally. Flying to Europe, convincing them to get coffee with me and having to learn how to negotiate in completely different business cultures. A lot of this technology actually came out of Russia.So dealing with Russian business culture it's so different than the United States. Honestly, that was kind of my first encounter with a bit of misogyny. Gosh, I learned a lot. But Lord, the lows can be excruciating. We've had moments where our entire supply chain went away. They basically were... To read the full transcript, please visit https://ift.tt/3yaaLDQ

Saturday 21 August 2021

Reality of Qasim Ali Shah Viral Pictures on Social Media

میری کچھ تصاویر جو کہ میری فیملی موبائل سے بنائی گئی سوشل میڈیا پہ وائرل ہوئی ہے۔ یہ تصاویر میرے گھر کی ہیں مزید جانیں اس ویڈیو میں https://ift.tt/2R3s86g To Get Updated with New Lectures, Sessions and Videos Fill the Form. Qasim Ali Shah is not just a Motivational Speaker but an enthusiastic doer. He followed his passions and proved his self a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Teacher, Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and a Transformational Trainer. Follow Us On Social Media : https://ift.tt/1HAPumV https://ift.tt/3boEkpZ https://twitter.com/QasimAliShah_ https://twitter.com/qasfoundation https://ift.tt/2Wqt4p2 https://ift.tt/2Wqeei1 https://ift.tt/35QV7Ro https://ift.tt/2YTR716 https://ift.tt/2WpbS37 https://ift.tt/2Z7PwVJ

Your Motivation to Start Business? Qasim Ali Shah

https://ift.tt/2R3s86g To Get Updated with New Lectures, Sessions and Videos Fill the Form. Qasim Ali Shah is talking to participants of book launching ceremony of Ibn e Fazil Khushali ki Dastak. Qasim Ali Shah is not just a Motivational Speaker but an enthusiastic doer. He followed his passions and proved his self a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Teacher, Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and a Transformational Trainer. Follow Us On Social Media : https://ift.tt/1HAPumV https://ift.tt/3boEkpZ https://twitter.com/QasimAliShah_ https://twitter.com/qasfoundation https://ift.tt/2Wqt4p2 https://ift.tt/2Wqeei1 https://ift.tt/35QV7Ro https://ift.tt/2YTR716 https://ift.tt/2WpbS37 https://ift.tt/2Z7PwVJ

Thursday 19 August 2021

Qasim Ali Shah talk on Importance of Communication Skills - Taleem Mumkin Session

https://ift.tt/2R3s86g To Get Updated with New Lectures, Sessions and Videos Fill the Form. Qasim Ali Shah is not just a Motivational Speaker but an enthusiastic doer. He followed his passions and proved his self a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Teacher, Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and a Transformational Trainer. Follow Us On Social Media : https://ift.tt/1HAPumV https://ift.tt/3boEkpZ https://twitter.com/QasimAliShah_ https://twitter.com/qasfoundation https://ift.tt/2Wqt4p2 https://ift.tt/2Wqeei1 https://ift.tt/35QV7Ro https://ift.tt/2YTR716 https://ift.tt/2WpbS37 https://ift.tt/2Z7PwVJ

Tuesday 17 August 2021

What charity does to your brain | Your Brain on Money | Big Think

What charity does to your brain | Your Brain on Money Watch the newest video from Big Think: https://bigth.ink/NewVideo Learn skills from the world's top minds at Big Think Edge: https://bigth.ink/Edge ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What happens in your brain when you give time or money? Altruism is often framed as an act performed for the sake of someone else without the expectation of a reward. Author Jenni Santi and psychology professor Michael Norton explain that there is more happening on a biological level than we realize. In the 2000s, experiments by neuroscientists Jorge Moll and Jordan Grafman showed that two areas of the brain light up when we volunteer or help someone. These same “pleasure centers” are activated when we think of food or romantic partners. All forms of giving are good, Norton says, but time (i.e. volunteering) is the resource that is often seen as the hardest to spare. He offers tips for those looking to give more or more consistently, including a self-audit to assess and ultimately change spending habits. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSCRIPT: MICHAEL NORTON: There's a cynical view of people that they are really self-centered and selfish and all they care about is themselves and they would never help anybody with anything unless they're forced to. And it's true that sometimes people are self-centered and selfish, of course. But when you think about the world, there's amazing, amazing generosity happening all the time. We just don't always build it into our sense of what people are like. NARRATOR: There's a good amount of giving in the world, but wouldn't we be happier spending on ourselves instead? MICHAEL: What's surprising is that we still think that the next thing that we buy for ourselves is gonna really make us happy. What we try to show is that some of the things that we're spending on now just aren't doing much for us and we can think about spending on different things and try to get a little bit more happiness out of that aspect of our lives. NARRATOR: Could changing the way we spend money and giving more to others really make us happier? This is Your Brain on Money. This is Michael Norton. He studies human behavior at Harvard, and co-wrote a book called Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending. MICHAEL: When we tell people, “Hey, did you know that giving to other people can make you happy?”, most people are not blown away. They understand, they've had experiences that make them happy, they understand the concept, but it doesn't occur to us that often to give instead of getting stuff for ourselves. And so it has to be a habit of mind that we encourage ourselves to give more often than we do. That feeling of having done something that counts in the world is one of the key predictors of why giving can pay off in more happiness. NARRATOR: We know generosity can be rewarding, but what's really happening when we give time or money to others? This is Jenny Santi. She's worked for years in philanthropy and is the author of the book, The Giving Way to Happiness. JENNY SANTI: When we help someone, we get a feeling of elation. It's basically nature's way of rewarding us. Kind of like the feeling we get when we run and we feel good, we feel happy. It's the same for when we help others. NARRATOR: Science has shown that our brain releases rewarding chemicals when we exercise, but can the same be true for simply giving? In 2006, Jorge Moll and Jordan Grafman, both neuroscientists at national institutes of health, developed an experiment to measure our neuroactivity when we give. JENNY: Grafman and Moll's experiments in the 2000s provide the very first evidence that the joy of giving has biological basis in the brain. NARRATOR: Subjects were given a pool of money they were allowed to keep. A computer then gave them a series of causes that they could either donate to or keep the money instead. As they made their decisions, their brain activity was recorded by FMRI. JENNY: Turns out, there are two rewards centers of the brain that light up when people give. And these are the pleasure centers of the brain. These areas are called the midbrain VTA as well as the subgenual area, the same parts of the brain that light up when there's food, or when we think of romantic partners. These experiments suggest, for the first time, we have evidence of the biological basis of the joy of giving. NARRATOR: If generosity is more reward than sacrifice, how can we all experience the joy of giving? MICHAEL: One question that people often ask is where should I give to a charity? Should I give to a close friend or a family member or someone on the street who's in need? The short answer is all of them are good. So, any kind of giving that you do, again, is gonna be better than spending on yourself... To read the full transcript, please visit https://ift.tt/37P9l70

Monday 16 August 2021

Habits of Healthy People - Qasim Ali Shah Session The Art of Healthy Lifestyle

https://ift.tt/2R3s86g To Get Updated with New Lectures, Sessions and Videos Fill the Form. Qasim Ali Shah sharing his thoughts in session The Art of Healthy Lifestyle and sharing the habits of people who live long. Qasim Ali Shah is not just a Motivational Speaker but an enthusiastic doer. He followed his passions and proved his self a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Teacher, Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and a Transformational Trainer. Follow Us On Social Media : https://ift.tt/1HAPumV https://ift.tt/3boEkpZ https://twitter.com/QasimAliShah_ https://twitter.com/qasfoundation https://ift.tt/2Wqt4p2 https://ift.tt/2Wqeei1 https://ift.tt/35QV7Ro https://ift.tt/2YTR716 https://ift.tt/2WpbS37 https://ift.tt/2Z7PwVJ

Saturday 14 August 2021

How to be Happy? 7 Secrets of Happiness in Urdu/Hindi - Qasim Ali Shah

https://ift.tt/2R3s86g To Get Updated with New Lectures, Sessions and Videos Fill the Form. Qasim Ali Shah is sharing 7 secrets of Happiness. If you want to live happy life then you must follow these 7 steps. Qasim Ali Shah is not just a Motivational Speaker but an enthusiastic doer. He followed his passions and proved his self a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Teacher, Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and a Transformational Trainer. Follow Us On Social Media : https://ift.tt/1HAPumV https://ift.tt/3boEkpZ https://twitter.com/QasimAliShah_ https://twitter.com/qasfoundation https://ift.tt/2Wqt4p2 https://ift.tt/2Wqeei1 https://ift.tt/35QV7Ro https://ift.tt/2YTR716 https://ift.tt/2WpbS37 https://ift.tt/2Z7PwVJ

Friday 13 August 2021

14 August 2021 Independence Day of Pakistan - Qasim Ali Shah

قاسم علی شاہ فاونڈیشن کی طرف سے تمام اہل وطن کو جشن آزادی مبارک ہو۔ اس عظیم موقع پر ہمیں اپنے آپ سے ایک عہد کرنا ہے کہ ہم وطن عزیز کی ترقی میں اپنا کردار ادا کریں گے. اپنی رائے کمنٹ میں بتائیں کہ ہم انفرادی طور پہ ملک کی ترقی کے لئے کیا کر سکتے ہیں۔ https://ift.tt/2R3s86g To Get Updated with New Lectures, Sessions and Videos Fill the Form. Qasim Ali Shah is not just a Motivational Speaker but an enthusiastic doer. He followed his passions and proved his self a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Teacher, Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and a Transformational Trainer. Follow Us On Social Media : https://ift.tt/1HAPumV https://ift.tt/3boEkpZ https://twitter.com/QasimAliShah_ https://twitter.com/qasfoundation https://ift.tt/2Wqt4p2 https://ift.tt/2Wqeei1 https://ift.tt/35QV7Ro https://ift.tt/2YTR716 https://ift.tt/2WpbS37 https://ift.tt/2Z7PwVJ

Tuesday 10 August 2021

How to trick your brain into saving money

How to trick your brain into saving money Watch the newest video from Big Think: https://bigth.ink/NewVideo Learn skills from the world's top minds at Big Think Edge: https://bigth.ink/Edge ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to evolution, humans are not great at thinking and planning long term. "The human brain just has certain tendencies," says neuroscientist Alex Korb. "We're always going to pay more attention to things that are immediate right now." Luckily, there are ways to counteract our natural habits. Retirement can feel abstract—especially for young people who are just starting in their careers—which makes preparing for it less of a priority. By understanding how the brain impacts certain decisions, we can hack those biases to develop better saving practices and work toward more tangible goals. "Saving one dollar a day is infinitely better than saving zero dollars a day," says Korb. Building on small decisions over time gives you the ability to course correct if strategies are not working out, and leaves room for meaningful progress at your own pace. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSCRIPT: ALEX KORB: A lot of times, when we save money we mostly focus on what we are missing out on right now. We're thinking of it as denying ourselves. NARRATOR: Saving money often feels like we're just throwing our money away. Why save for the future, when there's so much we want to do right now? ALEX: And so for a lot of us thinking about retirement is stressful. And to avoid that stress, we just don't think about it and that prevents us from doing the things that are in our long-term best interest. What is more important? Your happiness right at this instant? Or your happiness an hour from now or a day from now or ten years from now? And one of the difficulties and challenges with that is that there isn't a correct answer. NARRATOR: If there isn't a correct answer, how do we figure out the choice that's right for us? Is there anything in our brains that can give us a clue? This is Your Brain on Money. This is Alex Korb, author of The Upward Spiral and he's going to tell you everything that he's learned about the brain. ALEX: Yeah, so I'll just explain to you very briefly everything that I've learned in the last 20 years of studying the brain. Uh, so there are millions of, you know different little regions of the brain and science has sort of simplified that down to you know, dozens that we can sort of wrap our heads around but the ones that I think are the most interesting and the most important have to do with the thinking and the habit and reward circuits and how those interact. You can sort of think of these different brain regions as like different types of friends. Your prefrontal cortex, the thinking part of the brain, is saying "Hey, let's do it this way because that's gonna get us to where we're trying to go." And then the habit circuit in the brain says "Well, no, let's do it this way because this is the way we've always done it and that's more comfortable." And the reward center of the brain says "Oh, look there's a cookie!' The human brain just has certain tendencies. Like, we're always gonna pay more attention to things that are immediate, right now. NARRATOR: This is how the brain's evolved over millions of years. We have a bias for the short term. 10 bucks today is more tangible than 100 bucks a year from now. ALEX: In order to, sort of, be happy over time you have to find the right balance of like, how much money should I spend now to enjoy living my life, versus how much should I save to plan ahead so that I can enjoy it later? And there are ways to, sort of, influence the system one way or the other. There's a really cool study where when they had people sign up for their retirement benefits they included like a digitally aged picture of yourself so that when you looked at it it was a little bit more concrete of the idea of like, "Oh, I am going to become that person, like that is me that I am saving for."Most of us have this abstract idea of retirement so it doesn't like feel real or tangible. You can make these future visions of retirement feel more concrete by imagining them in more detail. NARRATOR: Imagine you're not just putting money into an account, you're putting money toward that brownstone or that vacation on the lake. The more you can imagine it the more motivated you'll be to realize it. ALEX: One of the keys to being sustainably happy is really just understanding yourself better so that you can make choices that are best for you and your circumstances, and understanding your brain can be a big part of that. NARRATOR: If we understand how our brains influence us to make certain decisions we can work to overcome these biases. When it comes to retirement the good news is we can... To read the full transcript, visit https://ift.tt/2X4hbrl

More than 200 FREE Online Courses by Enablers - Learn Online & Earn Online

https://ift.tt/2R3s86g To Get Updated with New Lectures, Sessions and Videos Fill the Form. Qasim Ali Shah and Saqib Azhar CEO Enabler discussing the EVS by Enablers having more than 200 FREE courses. This is the biggest Opportunity for Pakistan to learn online and then they can earn Online. Qasim Ali Shah is not just a Motivational Speaker but an enthusiastic doer. He followed his passions and proved his self a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Teacher, Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and a Transformational Trainer. Follow Us On Social Media : https://ift.tt/1HAPumV https://ift.tt/3boEkpZ https://twitter.com/QasimAliShah_ https://twitter.com/qasfoundation https://ift.tt/2Wqt4p2 https://ift.tt/2Wqeei1 https://ift.tt/35QV7Ro https://ift.tt/2YTR716 https://ift.tt/2WpbS37 https://ift.tt/2Z7PwVJ

Saturday 7 August 2021

Self Help Books for Kids by Qasim Ali Shah Foundation

To Buy Books Visit: https://ift.tt/37vCBiY or Call: 03404235023 Qasim Ali Shah Foundation published special Self Help Books for Kids in Urdu and English. https://ift.tt/2R3s86g To Get Updated with New Lectures, Sessions and Videos Fill the Form. Qasim Ali Shah is not just a Motivational Speaker but an enthusiastic doer. He followed his passions and proved his self a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Teacher, Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and a Transformational Trainer. Follow Us On Social Media : https://ift.tt/1HAPumV https://ift.tt/3boEkpZ https://twitter.com/QasimAliShah_ https://twitter.com/qasfoundation https://ift.tt/2Wqt4p2 https://ift.tt/2Wqeei1 https://ift.tt/35QV7Ro https://ift.tt/2YTR716 https://ift.tt/2WpbS37 https://ift.tt/2Z7PwVJ

Qasim Ali Shah Motivational Lecture about Finding Your Mentor in Urdu/Hindi

https://ift.tt/2R3s86g To Get Updated with New Lectures, Sessions and Videos Fill the Form. Qasim Ali Shah is talking about why it is important that you should have mentor in your life. Qasim Ali Shah is not just a Motivational Speaker but an enthusiastic doer. He followed his passions and proved his self a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Teacher, Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and a Transformational Trainer. Follow Us On Social Media : https://ift.tt/1HAPumV https://ift.tt/3boEkpZ https://twitter.com/QasimAliShah_ https://twitter.com/qasfoundation https://ift.tt/2Wqt4p2 https://ift.tt/2Wqeei1 https://ift.tt/35QV7Ro https://ift.tt/2YTR716 https://ift.tt/2WpbS37 https://ift.tt/2Z7PwVJ

Thursday 5 August 2021

Power of Positive Thinking - Effects of Positive Thinking on Human Body - Qasim Ali Shah

https://ift.tt/2R3s86g To Get Updated with New Lectures, Sessions and Videos Fill the Form. Qasim Ali Shah talking to participants of "The Art of Healthy Lifestyle" and discussing the effects of positive and negative thinking on human body. How our thinking effect on our health and immune system. Qasim Ali Shah is not just a Motivational Speaker but an enthusiastic doer. He followed his passions and proved his self a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Teacher, Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and a Transformational Trainer. Follow Us On Social Media : https://ift.tt/1HAPumV https://ift.tt/3boEkpZ https://twitter.com/QasimAliShah_ https://twitter.com/qasfoundation https://ift.tt/2Wqt4p2 https://ift.tt/2Wqeei1 https://ift.tt/35QV7Ro https://ift.tt/2YTR716 https://ift.tt/2WpbS37 https://ift.tt/2Z7PwVJ

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Can lessons from video games change our money habits? | Your Brain on Money | Big Think

Can lessons from video games change our money habits? Watch the newest video from Big Think: https://bigth.ink/NewVideo Learn skills from the world's top minds at Big Think Edge: https://bigth.ink/Edge ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The word is out on gaming—it’s not just something that children do for fun anymore. Games are tools that can be used to teach new skills, reduce stress, and even change behaviors by triggering chemical reactions in the brain. These benefits and more have provided scientists and developers with a promising path forward. “Games reduce the stress of making decisions,” says neuroscientist and professor Paul Zak. “App designers have now used game structures to help people learn new information, make new decisions; and one of the most exciting applications is in financial decision making.” But simply turning something into a game isn’t enough to see meaningful changes in habits. Developers of gamified apps like Long Game have found ways to combine the engaging and fun experience we expect from video games, with something that has traditionally not been very fun: saving money. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSCRIPT: PAUL ZAK: Games can be a very effective way towards financial independence. They keep us attentive to the task. NARRATOR: Gaming has become the largest form of entertainment in the world. It dwarfs all other forms of media, from streaming to social media and the box office. But what is it about gaming that has us so transfixed? ZAK: Games by design are meant to reinforce behavior and keep you coming back.The brain loves novelty. So when I have something new in my environment, I get a little reward response in my brain that says focus on this thing. NARRATOR: Games are using techniques that activate dopamine and oxytocin in our brains, and that puts our minds in hyper-focused immersive states. ZAK: Games reduce the stress of making decisions, and so app designers have now used game structures to help people learn new information, make new decisions. And one of the most interesting applications is in financial decision-making. NARRATOR: So if games have such a strong influence over our brains, how can we leverage games to make better financial decisions? And if we do, what's the worst that could happen? This is Your Brain on Money. Meet Paul Zak. He's a neuroscientist and a professor at Claremont Graduate University in Southern California. And he's looked deep into our brains on games. ZAK: I'm a Martian. I don't really understand the humans. And so I spent 25 years running experiments to try to understand why people do what they do. We all want instant gratification, but to get good stuff later, we have to save money, and that's a painful stimulus for the brain. So it's actually processed like pain when I have to give something up, like give up money. And so overcoming that requires metabolic energy, but the brain's a very lazy organ. It takes so much energy to run your brain that it wants to idle most of the time. NARRATOR: The brain compensates for its laziness by forming pathways that allow us to achieve tasks on autopilot. And these are called habits. ZAK: The deep question I show do we change habits? Two core things have to happen in the brain to influence your decision-making. The first is you have to attend to that information. That's driven by the brain's production of dopamine. The second thing you've gotta get my lazy brain to care about the outcomes, and that caring is driven by emotional resonance, and that's associated with the brain's production of oxytocin. NARRATOR: Paul calls the combination of these two events neurologic immersion, and it's essential in helping develop new and better habits. One area people often experience this brain state is while playing games. ZAK: Some of the gamification apps focus so much on fun, as opposed to a learning experience that they just are like any other game You might as well play Candy Crush. Financial decisions are hard. So by breaking down tasks in a platform that makes it fun to make difficult decisions, people are able to better understand what they're doing, but also able to change what their default behavior is. And we get in the habit of, for example, savings. NARRATOR: We met with the developers of a gamified savings app to see what techniques they use to change behavior. This is Lindsay Holden, and she's the co-founder and CEO of Long Game. LINDSAY HOLDEN: A lot of people have trouble engaging with their finances. So how do we get you to start changing your behavior? NARRATOR: Lindsay and her team are using incentives called prize-linked savings accounts to increase their users' savings habits. Inside the app, users... To read the full transcript, please visit https://ift.tt/2TS5yTj

Always there is Blessing in Disguise - Be Hopeful to be Blessed - Qasim Ali Shah

https://ift.tt/2R3s86g To Get Updated with New Lectures, Sessions and Videos Fill the Form. Qasim Ali Shah sharing his thoughts about blessing in disguise and importance of being hopeful. Qasim Ali Shah is not just a Motivational Speaker but an enthusiastic doer. He followed his passions and proved his self a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Teacher, Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and a Transformational Trainer. Follow Us On Social Media : https://ift.tt/1HAPumV https://ift.tt/3boEkpZ https://twitter.com/QasimAliShah_ https://twitter.com/qasfoundation https://ift.tt/2Wqt4p2 https://ift.tt/2Wqeei1 https://ift.tt/35QV7Ro https://ift.tt/2YTR716 https://ift.tt/2WpbS37 https://ift.tt/2Z7PwVJ

Monday 2 August 2021

کامیابی کے لیے نمبر نہیں کافی - Why A Grade Students Work for C Students Book

To Buy Book visit: https://bit.ly/2TFspBg or Call: 03404235023 Why A Grade Students work for C Students book is published in Urdu "کامیابی کے لیے نمبر نہیں کافی". https://ift.tt/2R3s86g To Get Updated with New Lectures, Sessions and Videos Fill the Form. Qasim Ali Shah is not just a Motivational Speaker but an enthusiastic doer. He followed his passions and proved his self a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Teacher, Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and a Transformational Trainer. Follow Us On Social Media : https://ift.tt/1HAPumV https://ift.tt/3boEkpZ https://twitter.com/QasimAliShah_ https://twitter.com/qasfoundation https://ift.tt/2Wqt4p2 https://ift.tt/2Wqeei1 https://ift.tt/35QV7Ro https://ift.tt/2YTR716 https://ift.tt/2WpbS37 https://ift.tt/2Z7PwVJ