Tuesday 18 June 2019

Michio Kaku: Genetic and digital immortality are within reach

Give yourself the gift of knowledge with a subscription to Big Think Edge. http://bit.ly/bigthinkedge Technology may soon grant us immortality, in a sense. Here's how. - Through the Connectome Project we may soon be able to map the pathways of the entire human brain, including memories, and create computer programs that evoke the person the digitization is stemmed from. - We age because errors build up in our cells — mitochondria to be exact. - With CRISPR technology we may soon be able to edit out errors that build up as we age, and extend the human lifespan. Dr. Michio Kaku is the co-founder of string field theory, and is one of the most widely recognized scientists in the world today. He has written 4 New York Times Best Sellers, is the science correspondent for CBS This Morning and has hosted numerous science specials for BBC-TV, the Discovery/Science Channel. His radio show broadcasts to 100 radio stations every week. Dr. Kaku holds the Henry Semat Chair and Professorship in theoretical physics at the City College of New York (CUNY), where he has taught for over 25 years. He has also been a visiting professor at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, as well as New York University (NYU). His latest book is "The Future of Humanity: Terraforming Mars, Interstellar Travel, Immortality, and Our Destiny Beyond Earth" (https://amzn.to/314zgD5) If you're interested in licensing this or any other Big Think clip for commercial or private use, contact our licensing partner Executive Interviews: http://bit.ly/2QU1U5i Read more at BigThink.com: http://bit.ly/2Iogyze Follow Big Think here: YouTube: http://goo.gl/CPTsV5 Facebook: http://bit.ly/1qJMX5g Twitter: https://twitter.com/bigthink

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