Monday 9 March 2020

You can use data to boost your career. Here’s how. | Neil Irwin | Big Think

You can use data to boost your career. Here’s how. New videos DAILY: Join Big Think Edge for exclusive videos: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One universal concern for employers and employees across all industries is work-life balance. Thanks to data from large tech companies, we've seen the negative impact that skewed dynamics can have on one's career. Neil Irwin, senior economic correspondent at The New York Times, believes that data can turn employees into their own career coaches and ultimately help them succeed in the workplace. Data is important, but ""data alone isn't insight,"" Irwin says. The key is to learn how to interpret the numbers and use that information logically. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEIL IRWIN: Neil Irwin is a senior economic correspondent at The New York Times, where he was a founding member of The Upshot, the Times’s site for analytical journalism. He was previously the author of The Alchemists: Three Central Bankers and a World on Fire, a New York Times bestselling account of the global financial crisis and its aftermath that was short-listed for the McKinsey-Financial Times Business Book of the Year award. Check Neil Irwin's latest book How to Win in a Winner-Take-All World: The Definitive Guide to Adapting and Succeeding in High-Performance Careers at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSCRIPT: NEIL IRWIN: So one of the most fundamental shift that's happened in technology and how big organizations work is that we have more and more data about what we do. And some of that is simple forms. I mentioned-- I work in the media industry, I know how many people read each of my stories, and how long they spent on it, and how they found it. But I think it applies in a much bigger way. So I found a fascinating example of how data can be used to make a team more effective and make an organization more effective at Microsoft. So this is this big, successful company, and there is a unit on it that makes devices-- so Surface tablets, and Xboxes, things like that. And 700 people in this unit. They had a problem. The problem was this: The survey showed that employees in this business unit were not happy. They had low scores on work-life balance. And the head of this unit, a guy named Brett Ostrom, was really worried. Because these were hard people to hire, hard people to replace if they were to quit. He was afraid all the success they had had might go out the window if people were so unhappy they started to leave this team. So he worked with a team at Microsoft that does data analytics and tries to understand people, how they're operating, using big data sources. And what they found was kind of a surprising result. The real reason these people were unhappy was not because they had to make a lot of late night phone calls to Asia because of international supply chains, it wasn't because a few bosses were really mean, or really demanding, or hard-charging. The problem was, across this team, they were spending way too much time in big meetings. They spent an average of 27 hours a week in large meetings. And that meant these workers had no time during the workday to get individual work done. So we all know how this works. You end up doing bad, and catching up on that work on the evenings, on the weekends. That's why they had low work-life balance. Because they had these analytical tools of crunching millions of emails, calendar entries, things like that, they were able to discern this information that has allowed this team to be more effective, and data was the reason. Essentially, you can use data to be your own career coach. I think the key is understanding what are the real metrics that matter in your organization, your line of work, and being just an avid student of them, understanding the moving pieces, understanding what correlates with what. Often, bigger companies will have people who can help you understand this within an organization. But I think being an avid consumer of the information available to you is the real key to taking advantage of the resources that larger companies have to offer. There is a risk, if you focus too much on data and analytics, that you could get in your own head and be too focused on the numbers rather than the underlying performance of whatever you're trying to do, whether that's sales, or product development, or whatever it might be. But I think the key is when you use these tools over and over again, it's not so much about overthinking everything you do, it becomes about an underlying way of thinking, an underlying baseline for understanding the world around you and what's likely to create good... Read the full transcript at

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